The main function of this role will be:
- Review The Lullaby Trust’s current Evidence Base.
- Create a revised Evidence Base including the production of plain language versions for each topic.
- Work with our designer to create final accessible PDF copies for each topic.
- Develop a standard operating procedure for updating the Evidence Base in future.
Job Description
- Review The Lullaby Trust’s current Evidence Base.
The Lullaby Trust’s guidance is constantly evolving as new evidence emerges on preventing unexpected infant deaths. However, much of our guidance, such as our Back to Sleep messaging, is based on an established and agreed body of evidence. The post holder will be required to undertake a narrative systematic review of the literature to create an updated Evidence Base for each aspect of The Lullaby Trust’s guidance, referencing established research and any relevant updated evidence. Ideally, papers would need to be readily available via open access to assist The Lullaby Trust staff with supporting research enquiries. It is important to note that whilst some of our guidance is based on direct evidence, some is indirect i.e. advising against using certain products due to association with other evidence-based guidance; therefore, the post holder should have a sound understanding of SIDS and unexpected infant death research to be able to demonstrate this link concisely.
Current topics covered by our guidance and evidence include:
Sleeping position
Clear cot
Room temperature
Twins and multiples
Alcohol and drug use
Products; slings, dummies, baby monitors
Car seats
Infection and immunisations
Premature babies
Poor antenatal care
Young parents
Normal baby sleep
Impact of deprivation
2. Create a revised Evidence Base including the production of plain language versions for each topic.
The Lullaby Trust’s current Evidence Base is an extensive document. This project aims to make the Evidence Base more accessible and easier to update. We envisage that each topic currently covered in the Evidence Base will have a fully referenced version and a plain language version to enable them to be understood and used by a variety of service users, including health professionals and parents or carers. On completion, the Evidence Base and its derivatives will remain the sole property of The Lullaby Trust, however the post holder will be credited and there is scope for the post holder to publish an academic paper based on the project.
3. Work with our designer to create final accessible PDF copies for each topic.
The post holder will need to support in the design of easily accessible PDF versions of the Evidence Base, including any relevant infographics and links to referenced research. Each document will need to align with the guidance available to service users via our website and in other published resources. It may be possible that the review provides insights into potential changes to the current guidance available and, where this is indicated, the post holder will work with our Scientific Advisory Group to provide the evidence for those discussions.
4. Develop a standard operating procedure for updating the Evidence Base in future.
As a dynamic organisation that adapts our guidance to the most up-to-date research. Our current process involves our Scientific Advisory Group assessing new research and, if appropriate, amending our guidance or adding research to an established research library. However, the format of the current Evidence Base document creates a challenge in adding new references and evidence. The revised Evidence Base documents created by this project will need to be easily edited and updated. The post holder will be required to develop a standard operating procedure for updating the documents as part of our current Scientific Advisory Group processes.
Person Specification
A good understanding of the research around SIDS and unexpected infant death.
Experience of literature reviews, systematic reviews, critical appraisal, and evidence synthesis.
Good written skills, including the ability to write in an accessible way.
Attachment to a Further Education Institution.
Access to own laptop/computer and necessary software.
Ability to organise own time to meet agreed project milestones.
To Apply:
Please submit a CV as well as a covering letter that outlines your proposed methodology, including key milestones and timescales for each aspect of the project.
References may be requested from successful applicants.
Post holder must be available for regular online meetings to discuss progress and at least one in-person meeting with our Scientific Advisory Group in the London office.
Please submit a CV as well as a covering letter that outlines your proposed methodology, including key milestones and timescales for each aspect of the project.
Safer sleep for babies, Support for families

The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.