Fund Raising Volunteer

Unpaid role, expenses not paid

Actively Interviewing

This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!

Job description



Smile for future generation is a community based development organisation which was established in August 2023 by Tanzania citizens from mainland having the registration number ooNGO/ R/5028,to influence, advocating for ,building capacity for children and their community so as to explore various opportunities in different sectors. The organisation intends to start implementation of the activities to the regions around lake Victoria. 

SMILE FOR FUTURE GENERATION is located in Ilemela district, mwanza city Council in magaka village. 

Education sector is essential in realising country vision of industrialization and economy hence improved quality of life.Despite effort of the government of Tanzania in improving education services by ensuring free education to primary and secondary schools, there marginalised and vulnerable children who are not benefiting fully this opportunity. To realize this there are needed efforts from other non state actors to complement governmental efforts in enhancing good educational services for children from vulnerable families especially from rural areas majorof whom are disadvantaged.This will entail working on innovative ideas suitable for respective communities thus ensuring equitable access to education services for school children 6_ 18 years.


To anticipate the good educational services among children in Tanzania. 


Glance children development and education through capacity building, infrastructure and facilities development. 


1.To support children from vulnerable families with school needs such as backpacks,shoes ,school uniforms and pens.

2.To enhance the provision of sanitary pads to the children. 

3.Encourage the participation of the community in educational services. 

 Therefore right now we are in need of a person who will help us with fundraising by cooperation with the other organisations in Tanzania for the children from vulnerable families and those with disabilities in Tanzania mainland to get the analysed needs if you are touched do not hesitate to contact me through the emails provided below, doing this we help to change the world as the bible says let the little children come to me because the kingdom of heaven is theirs and hold firm knowledge do not let it go because is the source of wisdom.

It is my pleasure that whoever will do this from the heart in helping our organisation to achieve its goal ,you will be blessed. 

                 Bahati Alphonce 



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Smile for future generation View profile Company size Size: 0
Posted on: 27 June 2024
Closing date: 27 August 2024 at 22:00
Tags: Fundraising, Major Donor