Cardiff, Rhondda Cynon Taff (Hybrid)
Unpaid role, expenses not paid

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Job description

Trustees wanted for Nantgarw China Works Museum

Nantgarw China Works is home to the finest porcelain ever produced. It was established in 1813 and produced porcelain that has achieved international fame before producing earthenware for daily use until 1920. The site was rescued from total decay in 1990 but many of the Scheduled historic structures remain in urgent need of care. Today the China Works is a museum displaying the history of the porcelain and pottery produced at the site, a working pottery where three ceramicists are based (one of whom produces porcelain items from the rediscovered recipe of 1813), and a major teaching institution running some 500 workshop sessions in heritage crafts. The site is a popular venue for local groups and societies as well as an increasing number of coach tours.

Since 2007 the Museum has been operated by a charitable trust which determines the strategic directions for its development. It is staffed by volunteers who carry out a wide range of duties under the oversight of our Strategic Development Manager. After considerable growth over the past decade, we are now focussed on the steps necessary for expansion and sustainability. We are currently seeking to achieve Accredited Museum status and in line with our vision and the conclusions of a recent Options Appraisal exercise are working on developing a multi-million-pound application to ‘transform where the world’s finest porcelain was made into a vibrant centre for ceramic history and contemporary innovation.’

At this exciting time in our history, we would welcome applications to join the existing seven members of the Trustee board. Trustees are unpaid and meet formally six times a year but are expected to develop a close relationship with the site and help in any way they can. Working together, Trustees are expected to:

  • Set the strategic framework and direction to enable the Museum to deliver benefits to the public, to achieve its goals and to flourish
  • Ensure that the charity is carrying out its purposes for the benefit of the public
  • Comply with our governing document and the law
  • Act in the charity’s best interests
  • Manage the charity’s resources responsibly
  • Act with reasonable care and skill and ensure the charity is accountable
  • Adhere to the Code of Ethics for museums

We would be particularly interested in hearing from applicants who can contribute in the areas of:

  • Education, learning and public engagement, particularly in the context of the new Welsh Curriculum
  • Historic buildings management and building conservation
  • Emerging technologies for interpretation and presentation

Nantgarw China Works is dedicated to diversity, equality and inclusivity. We welcome applications from individuals of all backgrounds. Our commitment extends to providing an inclusive recruitment process. If you require accommodations or have specific needs, please let us know.

Galw am ymddiriedolwyr ar gyfer Amgueddfa Crochendy Nantgarw

Mae Crochendy Nantgarw yn gartref i’r porslen gorau a gynhyrchwyd erioed. Fe’i sefydlwyd ym 1813 a chynhyrchodd borslen sydd wedi ennill bri rhyngwladol cyn cynhyrchu llestri pridd at ddefnydd bob dydd tan 1920. Achubwyd y safle rhag dadfeiliad llwyr ym 1990, ond mae llawer o’r strwythurau hanesyddol Rhestredig yn parhau i fod angen gofal brys. Heddiw, mae’r Crochendy yn amgueddfa sy’n arddangos hanes y porslen a’r crochenwaith a gynhyrchwyd ar y safle. Mae hefyd yn grochendy gweithredol lle mae tri seramegydd wedi’u lleoli (y mae un ohonyn nhw’n cynhyrchu eitemau porslen o hen rysáit 1813 a ail-ddarganfuwyd), a sefydliad addysgu mawr sy’n rhedeg 500 o sesiynau gweithdy mewn crefftau treftadaeth. Mae’r safle yn lleoliad poblogaidd ar gyfer grwpiau a chymdeithasau lleol yn ogystal â nifer cynyddol o deithiau bws.

Ers 2007 mae’r Amgueddfa wedi’i gweithredu gan ymddiriedolaeth elusennol sy’n penderfynu’r cyfeiriad strategol ar gyfer ei datblygiad. Mae’n cael ei staffio gan wirfoddolwyr sy’n cyflawni ystod eang o ddyletswyddau dan arolygiaeth ein Rheolwr Datblygu Strategol. Ar ôl twf sylweddol dros y degawd diwethaf, rydym bellach yn canolbwyntio ar y camau angenrheidiol ar gyfer ehangu a chynaliadwyedd. Ar hyn o bryd, rydym yn ceisio ennill statws Amgueddfa Achrededig ac, yn unol â’n gweledigaeth a chasgliadau yr ymarferiad Arfarnu Opsiynau diweddar, rydym yn gweithio ar ddatblygu cais gwerth miliynau o bunnoedd i ‘drawsnewid y safle, lle y gwnaed porslen gorau’r byd, mewn i ganolfan fywiog i’r cyhoedd sy’n canolbwyntio ar hanes cerameg ac arloesi cyfoes.’

Ar yr adeg gyffrous hon yn ein hanes, byddem yn croesawu ceisiadau i ymuno â saith aelod presennol bwrdd yr Ymddiriedolwyr. Mae’r Ymddiriedolwyr yn ddi-dâl ac yn cyfarfod yn ffurfiol chwe gwaith y flwyddyn ond disgwylir iddyn nhw feithrin perthynas agos â’r safle a helpu mewn unrhyw ffordd y gallan nhw. Gan gydweithio, disgwylir i Ymddiriedolwyr:

  • Pennu’r fframwaith a’r cyfeiriad strategol i alluogi’r Amgueddfa i sicrhau buddion i’r cyhoedd, i gyflawni ei nodau ac i ffynnu
  • Sicrhau bod yr elusen yn cyflawni ei dibenion er budd y cyhoedd
  • Cydymffurfio â’n dogfen lywodraethol a’r gyfraith
  • Gweithredu er lles gorau’r elusen
  • Rheoli adnoddau’r elusen yn gyfrifol
  • Gweithredu gyda gofal a sgìl rhesymol a sicrhau bod yr elusen yn atebol
  • Cadw at y Cod Moeseg ar gyfer amgueddfeydd

Byddai gennym ddiddordeb arbennig mewn clywed gan ymgeiswyr a all gyfrannu yn y meysydd canlynol:

  • Addysg, dysgu ac ymgysylltu â’r cyhoedd, yn enwedig yng nghyd-destun y Cwricwlwm i Gymru newydd
  • Rheoli adeiladau hanesyddol a chadwraeth adeiladau
  • Technolegau newydd ar gyfer dehongli a chyflwyno

Mae Crochendy Nantgarw yn ymroddedig i amrywiaeth, cydraddoldeb a chynhwysiant. Rydym yn croesawu ceisiadau gan unigolion o bob cefndir. Mae ein hymrwymiad yn ymestyn i ddarparu proses recriwtio gynhwysol. Os oes angen llety arnoch neu os oes gennych anghenion penodol, rhowch wybod i ni.

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Nantgarw China Works & Museum View profile Company size Size: 1 - 5
Refreshed on: 31 May 2024
Closing date: 15 July 2024 at 23:59
Tags: Teaching, Digital, Governance / Management

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