London, Greater London (Hybrid)
Unpaid role, expenses paid
Job description

The Federation of British Artists (FBA) seeks three new independent trustees with the following areas of expertise

·       Governance, legal matters, ideally including commercial property

·       Audience development, brand identity and marketing

·       The commercial art world


The FBA is established, as described in its charity governance to aid, promote assist, extend and encourage the study and practice of the fine and applied arts, including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing painting, drawing, sculpture, engraving, lithography and architecture.

Our vision is to be a leader in contemporary figurative art, led by artists, for all. Our mission is delivered primarily through a busy programme of exhibitions, events and awards at the Mall Galleries in London.

 Established in 1961, The Federation of British Artists (FBA) is a major visual arts charity, with administration offices and a large, contemporary gallery space located on The Mall in central London.  The FBA comprises of nine of the UK’s leading art societies which all host their annual exhibitions and events at Mall Galleries.

The Royal Society of British Artists

The Royal Society of Portrait Painters

The Royal Institute of Oil Painters

The Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours

The Royal Society of Marine Artists

The New English Art Club

The Pastel Society

The Society of Wildlife Artists

The Hesketh Hubbard Life Drawing Class

In addition, and in order for the Mall Galleries to be the home of the Federation’s exhibitions, the galleries are also hired out to figurative art exhibitors.  For example, the Discerning Eye exhibition has been staged here for over 30 years, other art societies such as The Society of Women Artists and the Society of Graphic Fine Art a choose the galleries for their annual exhibition.   The auction house, Lyon & Turnbull, come twice a year to stage their Modern Made auction in London.

Overall, 24 exhibitions are planned for 2024.   The length of an exhibition is usually 1 or 2 weeks, occasionally 3 weeks, therefore the turnaround of exhibitions is regular.   Approximately 7,000 works of art are displayed in the galleries per annum. 40,000 visitors come to the galleries each year.

The landlord is The Crown Estate, the lease for the property finishes in October 2030.   Over the next few years entering into lease negotiations and reaching a positive conclusion will be a priority.

The organisation weathered the COVID pandemic thanks to healthy reserves and support from The Crown Estate and UK Government grants.

After a positive 2023 the FBA is in a strong position to plan for the future and consider how it will meet its charitable objectives in this digital age.   A new website with a headless e-commerce platform was launched in January 2024 to help the user navigate more easily and to promote the exhibitions and works of art better. The turnover is £1.6 million.

A strategic review is underway which includes a stakeholder and customer survey and will result in a fresh 3-5 year organistional business plan.  

The FBA has a board of 13 Trustees and employs a team of twenty full-time or part-time professionals.  Two further teams of staff look after the front of house operation and undertake picture handling and technical responsibilities.  The FBA Chair is Jane Ellison who joined in October 2023.
9 trustees are appointed from the nine member art societies, up to five independent trustees can be appointed and the Chair is independent,.  The maximum number of trustees is 15.  One term is three years with a maximum of six years as a full term.

FBA Trustee  Job Description

Our trustees play a vital role in making sure that the FBA achieves its core purpose. They oversee the overall management and administration of the charity. They also ensure that the FBA has a clear strategy and that our work and goals are in line with our vision. Just as importantly, they support and challenge the executive team to enable the organisation to grow and thrive, and through this, achieve our mission of supporting visual, figurative artists.

Board members have a collective responsibility. This means that trustees always act as a group and not as individuals.


·      Support and provide advice on the FBA’s purpose, vision, goals and activities.

·      Approve operational strategies and policies, and monitor and evaluate their implementation.

·      Oversee the FBA’s financial plans and budgets and monitor and evaluate progress.

·      Ensure the effective and efficient administration of the organisation.

·      Ensure that key risks are being identified, monitored and controlled effectively.

·      Review and approve the FBA’s financial statements and those of its subsidiary Mall Galleries Trading Ltd.

·      Provide support and challenge to the FBA’s CEO in the exercise of their delegated authority and affairs.

·      Keep abreast of changes in the operating environment.

·      Contribute to regular reviews of the FBA’s own governance. Attend Board meetings, adequately prepared to contribute to discussions.

·      Use independent judgment, acting legally and in good faith to promote and protect the charity’s interests, to the exclusion of their own personal and/or any third party interests.

·      Contribute to the broader promotion of the FBA’s objects, aims and reputation by applying your skills, expertise, knowledge and contacts.

As a small charity, there will be times when the trustees will need to be actively involved beyond Board meetings. This may involve scrutinising board papers, leading discussions, focusing on key issues, providing advice and guidance on new initiatives, presenting externally, or other issues in which the trustee has special expertise.

What we are looking for

We are looking for people willing to bring energy, enthusiasm and commitment to the role, and who will broaden the diversity of thinking on our board.

Personal skills and qualities

·      Willingness and ability to understand and accept their responsibilities and liabilities as trustees and to act in the best interests of the organisation.

·      Ability to think creatively and strategically, exercise good, independent judgement and work effectively as a board member.

·      Effective communication skills and willingness to participate actively in discussion.

·      A strong personal commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion.

·      Enthusiasm for our vision and mission.

·      Willingness to lead according to our values

Specific experience is sought in the following areas:

·       Qualified lawyer with knowledge of charity governance and property who can advise the Board on negotiating and engagement of professional services especially the FBA Board’s negotiations with The Crown Estate regarding the lease renewal and the organisation’s policies

·       A marketing and brand expert with experience of growing audiences, developing content and maximising the advantages of digital platforms

·       An experienced commercial art dealer or gallery owner with good knowledge of the visual art market and its trends

The FBA welcomes applicants from all over the UK.

Terms of appointment

Terms of office

·      Trustees are appointed for a 3 year term of office, renewal for one further terms to a maximum of 6 years.

·      This is a voluntary position, but reasonable expenses are reimbursed.

Time commitment

·      Attending 4 Board meetings annually. Currently meetings are held at 17 Carlton House Terrace  London SW1Y 5AH, Mall Galleries

·      Attending x 1 annual strategy day

Committee membership

Ad hoc and occasional support through working groups and / or support to or mentoring of the executive team.  Eg strategy group, finance and budget committee


Timeline for appointment

 If you would like an informal conversation with Clare O’Brien, CEO, please send her an email

Deadline for applications – 3rd July 2024
Please reference ‘FBA Board’ in the subject line.

Interviews with FBA Chair, Jane Ellison and CEO, Clare O’Brien – virtual or in person – end June – early September

Notification of appointment – by mid September

1st meeting of the FBA Board followed by AGM – Wednesday 2nd October 2.30pm and 4.30pm


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Federation of British Artists View profile Company size Size: 11 - 20
Posted on: 21 May 2024
Closed date: 03 July 2024 at 23:59
Tags: Communications, Marketing, Legal / Law, Digital, Governance / Management