Oxford, Oxfordshire (Hybrid)
Circa £90,000
Job description

Founded in 2010 on the initiative of Lord (Brian) Griffiths of Fforestfach, The Centre for Enterprise, Markets and Ethics seeks to address some of the challenges facing twenty-first century capitalism. Our contribution comes from the promotion of the market economy from a Christian perspective within a framework of calling, integrity and ethical behaviour leading to the transformation of business enterprise and contributing to the relief of poverty.

Our focus is on:

·        The moral basis of wealth creation

·        Profit, taxation and enterprise

·        Vocation to business

·        Philanthropy and social welfare

·        Ethical challenges

The activities of the Centre include:

·        Conducting and commissioning research

·        Writing and commissioning the writing of booklets, blogs, book reviews and other written material

·        Organising events of various kinds including seminars and round table events

·        Contributing to books and other material being published by other organisations and speaking at or otherwise contributing to events organised by other organisations.

Our recent publications include The Challenges of Artificial Intelligence, Private Planning and the Great Estates and What is the value of business: Results of Polling. The last of these was part of a project entitled The Ethics and Theology of Business, which included a survey of attitudes towards business and related matters as well as case studies on family business and involved interviews with business leaders as well as various podcasts. To review our publications, please click here.

Over the past 14 years we have seen the consensus broaden around the fact that business is essential to society for growth, employment and opportunity. However, it is widely recognised that it can only be built effectively upon ethical frameworks.

Sitting at the intersection of business, economics and theology, we aspire to reach increasing numbers of senior executives and leaders from across business, the church, academia, and wider society with ethical frameworks of thinking that relate to the real world. We want to influence opinion formers and equip those in business to think through those issues that are relevant to them.

It is in this context that we seek a leader who:

·        Is a Christian with a strong personal faith, committed to developing a Christian worldview based on the Bible and relevant to contemporary economic, social and political issues.

·        Has a professional background including working at a senior level in relation to matters that are relevant to the work of CEME (e.g. business, public policy or economic or theological research).

·        Has an established track record of communicating complex messages in published and spoken formats to a range of audiences with integrity, clarity and conviction.

·        Has an ability to discern when and how to influence individuals and groups from delivering compelling public speeches to well-placed conversations.

·        Has a robust and current knowledge and understanding of economics and the debates which are live and/or emerging.

·        Is committed to and has a passion for the vision, aims and objectives of CEME.

The deadline for applications is 5pm BST on Wednesday 14th August 2024.

Please note that this role has an Occupational Requirement to be a committed Christian as permitted under Schedule 9, Part 1, of the Equality Act 2010.

Application resources
Posted by
Macaulay Search View profile Company size Size: 1 - 5
Posted on: 08 July 2024
Closing date: 07 August 2024 at 14:36
Tags: Christian, Advocacy, Faith-Based, Research