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Personal Wellbeing Coach

Cardiff (On-site)
£23,700 pa + excellent benefits
Contract (Fixed Term until 31st September 2026)

Actively Interviewing

This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!

Job description

Location: Interventions will be delivered across various locations in South Wales 

PWC -252

Are you a proactive, organised and compassionate individual with a proven record of working with male adults in the criminal justice system whether in the community or in prisons?  Do you have experience of engaging successfully with challenging people such as people who have complex needs, people who are reluctant to discuss their needs, and people who are angry and confused?

If so, St Giles Trust is looking for a Personal Wellbeing Coach to join us and help to oversee the delivery of Personal Wellbeing services to referrals made by Wales Probation Service.

About St Giles Trust

An ambitious, well-established charity that helps people facing adversity to find jobs, homes and the right support they need. Central to our ethos is our belief that people with first-hand experience of successfully overcoming issues such as an offending background, homelessness, addictions and gang involvement, hold the key to positive change in others. 

St Giles is now a kickstart employer, so we are part of the scheme which provides job opportunities for 16-24-year-olds who are currently on Universal Credit and are at risk of long-term unemployment.

The Wise Group is a leading social enterprise working to lift people out of poverty.  St Giles and The Wise Group came together to form a partnership with the aim of supporting the Probation Resettlement reforms by offering a high-quality service underpinned by staff who have lived experience and cultural competency.  As a result, we have been awarded contracts to deliver Personal Wellbeing Services for North and South Wales. These services will involve a range of support to community offenders and prison leavers including families, emotional wellbeing, lifestyle and associates and social inclusion (including meet at the gates).

About this exciting opportunity

Working as part of a multi-agency team, you will provide person-centred support to a caseload of service users who will either be serving community sentences or being released from prison.  You will undertake assessment and action planning with individual service users, create a safe and trusting environment, using trauma-informed practice to successfully facilitate a supportive and constructive relationship with service users, plus deliver a range of interventions to service users which contribute towards achievement of prescribed outcomes.

We will also count on you to develop and maintain positive working relationships with external agencies, including probation, prisons, partners, and others who will assist in achieving prescribed outcomes for service users, ensuring you work towards contractual targets and outcomes within agreed timescales.  Using agreed CRM databases and recording all activity relating to caseload and providing updates and reports are also key duties.

What we are looking for

  • Experience working with partner agencies either as part of a multi-agency team working towards common objectives or negotiating to establish links to further the aims of a project
  • L3 in Advice and Guidance or equivalent
  • The ability to assess clients’ needs and provide tailored, client-led support through action planning and interventions involving advice, guidance, advocacy, and coaching
  • An ability to work sensitively with clients applying trauma-informed strategies
  •  Impressive IT, relationship-building and communication skills, both verbal and written.

Please note this role requires Enhanced Adult DBS checks.

In return, you can expect a competitive salary, generous leave allowance, staff pension, flexible working, a mentoring programme, an advice and counselling service, season ticket loan and much more.

We are an equity and inclusion confident employer. We welcome all applications and we particularly encourage applications from people of the global majority (black, brown, multi- heritage ) and those who identify as disabled, neuroexpansive, neurodiverse, with any protected characteristics and/or social barriers or challenges. We value the empowering and informative impact that all lived experiences and diversity of thought can offer the organisation.

St Giles will guarantee to interview all disabled applicants who meet the minimum criteria set out in the Job Description for the vacancy.

Closing Date: 11 p.m. on 17 August 2025 

We will be shortlisting and interviewing candidates on a rolling basis. We reserve the right to close this position at any time. 

A ydych chi'n unigolyn rhagweithiol, trefnus a thrugarog, gyda hanes profedig o weithio gydag oedolion gwrywaidd yn y system cyfiawnder troseddol boed yn y gymuned neu mewn carchardai?  A oes gennych chi brofiad o ymgysylltu'n llwyddiannus gyda phobl heriol, er enghraifft pobl sydd ag anghenion cymhleth, pobl sy'n amharod i drafod eu hanghenion, a phobl sy'n ddig ac yn ddryslyd?

Os felly, mae Ymddiriedolaeth St Giles yn chwilio am Hyfforddwr Lles Personol i ymuno â ni a helpu i oruchwylio'r gwaith o ddarparu gwasanaethau Lles Personol i atgyfeiriadau a wneir gan Wasanaeth Prawf Cymru.

Ynghylch Ymddiriedolaeth St Giles

Elusen uchelgeisiol, wedi’i hen sefydlu sy’n helpu pobl sy’n wynebu helbulon i ddod o hyd i swyddi, cartrefi a’r gefnogaeth gywir y mae ei hangen arnynt yw Ymddiriedolaeth St Giles. Yn ganolog i’n hethos yw ein cred bod pobl sydd â phrofiad uniongyrchol o oresgyn problemau, megis cefndir troseddol, digartrefedd, dibyniaeth ar gyffuriau ac alcohol neu fod yn aelod o gang, yn allweddol i sicrhau newid positif mewn eraill. 

Mae St Giles bellach yn gyflogwr Kickstart, felly rydym yn rhan o'r cynllun hwn sy'n darparu cyfleoedd gwaith i bobl ifanc 16-24 oed sydd ar Gredyd Cynhwysol ar hyn o bryd ac sydd mewn perygl o ddiweithdra hirdymor.

Mae’r The Wise Group yn fenter gymdeithasol flaenllaw sy'n ceisio codi pobl allan o dlodi.  Daeth St Giles a The Wise Group at ei gilydd i ffurfio partneriaeth gyda'r nod o gefnogi'r diwygiadau Ailsefydlu Prawf drwy gynnig gwasanaeth o ansawdd uchel wedi'i ategu gan staff sydd â phrofiad byw a chymhwysedd diwylliannol.  O ganlyniad, dyfarnwyd cytundebau i ni i ddarparu Gwasanaethau Lles Personol ar gyfer Gogledd a De Cymru. Bydd y gwasanaethau hyn yn cynnwys amrywiaeth o gymorth i droseddwyr cymunedol a'r rhai sy'n gadael carchardai gan gynnwys teuluoedd, lles emosiynol, ffordd o fyw a chysylltiadau cyswllt a chynhwysiant cymdeithasol (gan gynnwys cwrdd wrth y gatiau).

Ynghylch y cyfle cyffrous hwn

Gan weithio fel rhan o dîm aml-asiantaeth, byddwch yn darparu cymorth sydd wedi’i ganolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn i lwyth achosion o ddefnyddwyr gwasanaeth a fydd naill ai'n cyflawni dedfrydau cymunedol neu'n cael eu rhyddhau o'r carchar.  Byddwch yn ymgymryd â chynllunio asesu a gweithredu gyda defnyddwyr gwasanaethau unigol, yn creu amgylchedd diogel ac ymddiriedus, gan ddefnyddio ymarfer trawma-gwybodus i hwyluso perthynas gefnogol ac adeiladol gyda defnyddwyr gwasanaeth, ynghyd â darparu ystod o ymyriadau i ddefnyddwyr gwasanaethau sy'n cyfrannu tuag at gyflawni canlyniadau rhagnodedig.

Byddwch hefyd yn datblygu a chynnal perthnasoedd gweithio cadarnhaol gydag asiantaethau allanol, gan gynnwys y gwasanaeth prawf, carchardai, partneriaid, ac eraill a fydd yn cynorthwyo i sicrhau canlyniadau rhagnodedig i ddefnyddwyr gwasanaethau, gan sicrhau eich bod yn gweithio tuag at dargedau a chanlyniadau cytundebol o fewn amserlenni y cytunwyd arnynt.  Mae defnyddio cronfeydd data CRM y cytunwyd arnynt a chofnodi'r holl weithgaredd sy'n ymwneud â llwyth gwaith a darparu diweddariadau ac adroddiadau hefyd yn ddyletswyddau allweddol.

Yr hyn rydym yn chwilio amdano

  • Profiad o weithio gydag asiantaethau partner naill ai fel rhan o dîm aml-asiantaeth sy'n gweithio tuag at amcanion cyffredin neu o negydu gyda’r nod o sefydlu cysylltiadau i hyrwyddo nodau prosiect
  • L3 mewn Cyngor ac Arweiniad neu gyfatebol
  • Y gallu i asesu anghenion cleientiaid a darparu cymorth wedi'i deilwra a arweinir gan gleientiaid drwy gynllunio gweithredu ac ymyriadau sy'n cynnwys cyngor, arweiniad, eiriolaeth a hyfforddi
  • Y gallu i weithio mewn dull sensitif gyda chleientiaid gan ddefnyddio strategaethau sail-trawma
  • Sgiliau TG, meithrin-perthynas a chyfathrebu nodedig, ar lafar ac yn ysgrifenedig

Sylwch fod y rôl hon yn gofyn am wiriadau DBS Oedolion Uwch a fetio HMPPS.

Yn gyfnewid am hyn, gallwch ddisgwyl cyflog cystadleuol, lwfans gwyliau hael, pensiwn staff, gweithio hyblyg, rhaglen fentora, gwasanaeth cynghori a chwnsela, talebau gofal plant, benthyciad tocyn tymor a llawer mwy.

Bydd St Giles yn gwarantu cyfweld â phob ymgeisydd anabl sy'n bodloni'r meini prawf gofynnol a nodir yn y Disgrifiad Swydd ar gyfer y swydd wag.

Rydym yn gyflogwr hyderus ecwiti a chynhwysiant. Rydym yn croesawu pob cais ac rydym yn arbennig yn annog ceisiadau gan bobl o'r mwyafrif byd-eang (du, brown, aml-dreftadaeth) a'r rhai sy'n nodi eu bod yn anabl, niwro-eang, niwroamrywiol, gydag unrhyw nodweddion gwarchodedig a/neu rwystrau neu heriau cymdeithasol. Rydym yn gwerthfawrogi'r effaith rymusol ac addysgiadol y gall pob profiad byw ac amrywiaeth meddwl ei gynnig i'r sefydliad.

Posted by
St Giles Trust View profile Organisation type Advertising Agency Company size 501 - 1000
Posted on: 17 February 2025
Closing date: 19 March 2025 at 23:00
Job ref: PWC -252
Tags: Advice / Information, Social Care / Development, Advocacy, Counselling, Crime, Employment, Homelessness, Mentoring / Coaching, Prison, Youth / Children, Social / Support Work