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Closing in 2 days
LHA London Ltd, London (Hybrid)
Unpaid role, expenses paid
Posted 2 weeks ago Quick Apply
Leeway Domestic Violence and Abuse Services, Norwich, Norfolk (On-site)
Unpaid role, expenses paid
Posted 2 weeks ago
Leeway Domestic Violence and Abuse Services, Norwich, Norfolk (On-site)
Unpaid role, expenses paid
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Citizens Advice Enfield, Enfield (Hybrid)
Unpaid role, expenses paid
Posted 3 weeks ago
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Nottingham, Derbyshire (Hybrid)
Unpaid role, expenses paid
Job description

What will you be doing?

This is an exciting time for the Canaan Trust!

As the refurbishment works near completion on Aspire House to accommodate our new Female Project, we have started the process of appointing staff with the aim of accepting the first clients in January.

Our current Chair of Trustees, having been in post for ten years, has decided that now is the right time to step down from this role at our AGM in January.

We are therefore looking for the right person to lead the Trust into the future, to ensure that as we develop we are meeting the needs of both male and female residents while also supporting those in the community who call on our services.

Being an ecumenical Christian charity we wish to appoint someone who can demonstrate their commitment to the Christian Faith in their life as we firmly believe that Canaan is God’s project and we as a Trust are called to respond to the needs of the community.

What are we looking for?

The Trust is looking for someone experienced in organising policies able to lead the trustees in undertaking their duties as set out by the Charities Commission.

Being an ecumenical Christian charity we wish to appoint someone who can demonstrate their commitment to the Christian Faith in their life as we firmly believe that Canaan is God’s project and we as a Trust are called to respond to the needs of the community.

What difference will you make?

This is clearly a key role in the life of the charity. There are many challenges involved in helping our residents and those in the community. You will be supported by the current trustees who are totally committed to the work of the Trust.

There is in place a very experienced staff who often go above and beyond in their efforts to support those in need.

Time commitment

The time commitment is flexible given the nature of the role. The Trustees meet bi monthly for Board meetings with sub committee meetings in between.

Before you apply

The Trust has a policy in place for trustee recruitment and an application form. These can be sent to interested parties.

Posted by
Canaan Trust View profile Organisation type Registered Charity
Posted on: 17 January 2025
Closing date: 17 April 2025 at 13:29
Job ref: J100077
Tags: Strategy, Governance / Management