Individual Support Volunteer Volunteer Roles in Bristol

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Screen Share UK, Remote
Unpaid role, expenses paid
Posted 1 day ago Quick Apply
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Page 2 of 11
Unpaid role, expenses paid

Actively Interviewing

This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!

Job description

We are looking for a treasurer to join Screen Share’s Board of Trustees. 

We are looking for someone with experience in a charity finance, treasurer or finance director role.

Principal Tasks:

  • Regularly supporting and co-facilitating the reporting of financial information at Board meetings, overseeing the production of budgets, forecasts, funding applications and annual statutory accounts.
  • Provision of specialist knowledge and experience to key staff – specifically the Founder and Chief Executive Office – in the role of financial advisor on activities including but not limited to pensions, payroll, financial software and provisioning our financial processes
  • Support the development of Screen Share’s social enterprise arm and provide strategic and commercial advice relating thereto.
  • Ensure that the Board operates effectively in support of the charity’s mission and values. Ensure a high performing and effective Board by committing to regularly appraising its performance. Maintain high standards of governance and risk management.
  • Ensure that the Board is as diverse as possible and provide the range of knowledge, skills and experience necessary to deliver the charity’s aims.
  • Act as an Ambassador for the organisation through - but not limited to - attendance at relevant project and sector events to advocate the work of the Charity and to represent its interests in a variety of situations.

We particulalry welcome applications from those with experience of forced migration. 

Time Commitment

  • Board meetings last 3 hours and are held quarterly, with two held in-person in London.
  • Sub-Committee meetings are typically held online
  • The Treasurer role is expected to provide additional time compared to other Trustees, likely compromising a total of 25 days across a calendar year.

All candidates should:

  • Show commitment to Screen Share’s values and be able to uphold them personally
  • Share the energy and drive of the organisation and be committed to their role
  • Have a demonstrable passion for supporting refugees and asylum seekers in the UK

The Charity’s Commitment to Board Members

  • Dates and times of Board meetings, Sub-Committee meetings, Board Strategy Day, and the Annual Review will be confirmed at the last board meeting of the preceding year
  • Board meeting / Sub-Committee agendas and papers will be distributed at least five working days in advance of meetings
Posted by
Screen Share UK View profile Organisation type Registered Charity Company size 6 - 10
Screen Share 2024-By Yaffa Judah-06893.jpg
Refreshed on: 25 December 2024
Closing date: 19 January 2025 at 13:59
Tags: Administration, Advice / Information, Finance, Fundraising, IT, Business Development, Accounting, Commercial, Conflict Resolution / Peace, Ethnic Minority / BAME, Mentoring / Coaching, Refugee / Immigration, Risk Management, Safeguarding, Corporate Fundraising, Individual Giving, Statutory, Governance / Management

The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.