You will be focusing on the encouragement of planned giving, the continued introduction of contactless giving and the Parish Giving Scheme, supporting 2 treasurers and contributing to materials to assist parishes in becoming Joyful Generous Stewards. Training will be tailored to your individual needs. The Stewardship Resourcing Officer role is supported by funding from the National Church Institutions through the Giving Advisor Fund and Strategic Mission and Ministry Investment.
The duties and responsibilities below will be shared between the existing Stewardship Resourcing Officer and the successful applicant working it out together, bearing in mind geography, workload and experience. The two Stewardship Resourcing Officers sit within the Making Disciples project team as part of Vision 2026 and the Team Lead is the Archdeacon of Blackburn who is responsible for setting the overall priorities. The Director of Vision Delivery, as line manager for both Stewardship Resourcing Officers, is responsible for approving the overall division of work, to ensure that no areas are neglected, and the work is fairly shared.
Scope of responsibilities
Teaching and encouraging stewardship and generosity
Digital, Online and Direct Debit Giving
Resourcing parishes
Relationship Building
The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.