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FarmAbility, Witney, Oxfordshire (On-site)
£27,000 per year pro rata
Posted 6 days ago
Closing in 3 days
Ubele Initiative CIC, Wood Green (Hybrid)
£25,642.5 per year
As T2S leader you will make a direct contribution to our work and our approaches to capturing and recording our social impact measurements.
Posted 4 days ago
Page 28 of 28
Swansea, Swansea (On-site)
£25,000 - £28,000 pa

Actively Interviewing

This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!

Job description

Ref YCW - 241

Are you a proactive, compassionate and collaborative individual with a proven record of providing support, advice and advocacy and communicating effectively the needs of clients to other professionals?  Do you have substantial experience of assessing the needs of young adults who are at risk of significant harm?

If so, St Giles has an exciting opportunity for a Young Adults Caseworker to join our dynamic team and work on a vital project which offers support to young adults aged 18-25 who come into contact, or are at risk of coming into contact, with the criminal justice system to make positive changes to their lives and reduce the likelihood of offending and/or reoffending.

About St Giles Trust 

An ambitious, well-established charity that helps people facing adversity to find jobs, homes and the right support they need.  Central to our ethos is our belief that people with first-hand experience of successfully overcoming issues such as an offending background, homelessness, addictions and gang involvement, hold the key to positive change in others.  

About this exciting opportunity

As Young Adults Caseworker, you will focus on promoting the project and engaging with your clients in line with the project’s targets and providing a client-led support service and advocacy that responds to each individual’s needs and achieves project outcomes.  You will also deliver a holistic support service, working solo or with colleagues as the situation dictates, that will include practical help such as mentoring, social and housing support, accompanying to appointments, ETE options, benefits work, debt advice, liaising with utilities, DIY work and cleaning.

You will support clients to develop individual action plans and regularly review these plans with your clients to assess progress, plus produce risk management plans based on assessments.  We will also count on you to develop and maintain relationships with partner agencies, including community-based services such as Police, YOT, Probation, children’s services and local authorities, as well as ensuring you close cases efficiently and positively, identifying a referral route for young people that can be used for ongoing support.

What we are looking for

  • Experience in working as part of a multi-agency team, working together to achieve positive outcomes for young adults and establishing links to further the aims of a project.
  • Experience of using support plans to enable people to successfully access support services.
  • Proven record of engaging successfully with ‘challenging’ young adults.
  • Experience of assessing risk and implementing safety procedures when thinking about young adults involved in or at risk of violence or exploitation.
  • A working knowledge of relevant services for young adults in and around Swansea.
  • Excellent interpersonal, relationship-building and communication skills, verbal and written.
  • A flexible, collaborative and professional approach to your work.

Please note this role requires an Enhanced Adult with the adult barred list DBS checks.

In return, you can expect a competitive salary, generous leave allowance, staff pension, flexible working, a mentoring programme, an advice and counselling service, clinical therapist sessions, life insurance (4 x annual salary), duvet days, season ticket loan, employee perks programme, eye care voucher and much more.

We are an equity and inclusion-confident employer. We welcome all applications, and we particularly encourage applications from people of the global majority (black, brown, multi- heritage) and those who identify as disabled, neuroexpansive, neurodiverse, with any protected characteristics and/or social barriers or challenges. We value the empowering and informative impact that all lived experiences and diversity of thought can offer the organisation.

St Giles will guarantee to interview all disabled applicants who meet the minimum criteria set out in the Job Description for the vacancy.

To apply please request an application form from our HR Team, via the apply button, stating the job title and ref number.

Closing date: 10th November 2024 at 11:00 pm. Interview Date: 27th November 2024

Gweithiwr Achos Oedolion Ifanc

£25,000 - £28,000 yf


Llawn amser


Cyfeirnod YCW - 241

A ydych chi'n unigolyn rhagweithiol, trugarog a chydweithredol gyda hanes profedig o ddarparu cymorth, cyngor ac eiriolaeth a chyfathrebu anghenion cleientiaid yn effeithiol i weithwyr proffesiynol eraill?  A oes gennych chi brofiad sylweddol o asesu anghenion pobl ifanc sydd mewn perygl o niwed sylweddol?

Os felly, mae gan St Giles gyfle cyffrous i Weithiwr Achos Oedolion Ifanc ymuno â'n tîm deinamig a gweithio ar brosiect hanfodol sy'n cynnig cefnogaeth i oedolion ifanc 18-25 oed sy'n dod i gysylltiad â'r system cyfiawnder troseddol neu sydd mewn perygl o ddod i gysylltiad â'r system cyfiawnder troseddol i wneud newidiadau cadarnhaol i'w bywydau a lleihau'r tebygolrwydd o droseddu a/neu aildroseddu.

Ynghylch Ymddiriedolaeth St Giles 

Elusen uchelgeisiol, wedi’i hen sefydlu sy’n helpu pobl sy’n wynebu helbulon i ddod o hyd i swyddi, cartrefi a’r gefnogaeth gywir y mae ei hangen arnynt yw Ymddiriedolaeth St Giles.  Yn ganolog i’n hethos yw ein cred bod pobl sydd â phrofiad uniongyrchol o oresgyn problemau, megis cefndir troseddol, digartrefedd, dibyniaeth ar gyffuriau ac alcohol a bod yn aelod o gang, yn allweddol i sicrhau newid positif mewn eraill.  

Ynghylch y cyfle cyffrous hwn

Fel Gweithiwr Achos Oedolion Ifanc byddwch yn canolbwyntio ar hyrwyddo'r prosiect ac ymgysylltu â'ch cleientiaid yn unol â thargedau'r prosiect a darparu gwasanaeth cymorth ac eiriolaeth dan arweiniad cleientiaid sy'n ymateb i anghenion pob unigolyn ac yn cyflawni canlyniadau'r prosiect.  Byddwch hefyd yn darparu gwasanaeth cymorth cyfannol, gan weithio'n unigol neu gyda chydweithwyr yn ôl y sefyllfa, a fydd yn cynnwys cymorth ymarferol fel mentora, cymorth cymdeithasol a thai, hebrwng i apwyntiadau, opsiynau Addysg, Hyfforddiant a Chyflogaeth, gwaith budd-daliadau, cyngor ar ddyledion, cysylltu â gwasanaethau, gwaith DIY a glanhau.

Byddwch yn helpu cleientiaid i greu cynlluniau gweithredu unigol ac yn adolygu'r cynlluniau hyn yn rheolaidd gyda'ch cleientiaid i asesu cynnydd, ynghyd â chreu cynlluniau rheoli risg yn seiliedig ar asesiadau.  Byddwch hefyd yn datblygu a chynnal perthynas ag asiantaethau partner, gan gynnwys gwasanaethau cymunedol fel yr Heddlu, Timau Troseddau Ieuenctid, y Gwasanaeth Prawf, gwasanaethau plant ac awdurdodau lleol, yn ogystal â sicrhau eich bod yn cau achosion yn effeithlon ac yn gadarnhaol, gan nodi llwybr atgyfeirio ar gyfer pobl ifanc y gellir ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer cymorth parhaus.

Yr hyn rydym yn chwilio amdano

  • Profiad o weithio fel rhan o dîm amlasiantaethol, gan gydweithio i sicrhau canlyniadau cadarnhaol i oedolion ifanc a sefydlu cysylltiadau i hyrwyddo nodau prosiect.
  • Profiad o ddefnyddio cynlluniau cymorth i alluogi pobl i gael mynediad at wasanaethau cymorth yn llwyddiannus.
  • Hanes profedig o ymgysylltu'n llwyddiannus â phobl ifanc 'heriol'.
  • Profiad o asesu risg a gweithredu gweithdrefnau diogelwch mewn cysylltiad ag oedolion ifanc sy'n cymryd rhan mewn neu sydd mewn perygl o dioddef trais neu gael eu camfanteisio.
  • Gwybodaeth weithredol o'r gwasanaethau perthnasol i oedolion ifanc yn ac o gwmpas Abertawe.
  • Sgiliau rhyngbersonol, meithrin-perthynas a chyfathrebu rhagorol, ar lafar ac yn ysgrifenedig.
  • Dull hyblyg, cydweithredol a phroffesiynol o ymdrin â'ch gwaith.

Sylwch fod y rôl hon yn gofyn am wiriad DBS Oedolyn Uwch gan gynnwys y rhestr waharddedig ar gyfer oedolion.

Yn gyfnewid am hyn, gallwch ddisgwyl cyflog cystadleuol, lwfans gwyliau hael, pensiwn staff, gweithio hyblyg, rhaglen fentora, gwasanaeth cyngor a chwnsela, sesiynau therapyddion clinigol, yswiriant bywyd (4x cyflog blynyddol), dyddiau 'duvet', benthyciad tocyn tymor, rhaglen fanteision gweithwyr, taleb gofal llygaid a llawer mwy.

Rydym yn gyflogwr teg a chynhwysol. Rydym yn croesawu pob cais, ac yn arbennig yn annog ceisiadau gan bobl o'r mwyafrif byd-eang (du, brown, aml-dreftadaeth) a'r rhai sy'n uniaethu fel anabl, niwro-eang, neu niwro-amrywiol, gydag unrhyw nodweddion gwarchodedig a/neu rwystrau neu heriau cymdeithasol. Rydym yn gwerthfawrogi'r effaith rymusol ac addysgiadol y gall pob profiad ymarferol ac amrywiaeth meddwl ei gynnig i'r sefydliad.

Bydd St Giles yn gwarantu cyfweliad i bob ymgeisydd anabl sy'n bodloni'r meini prawf gofynnol a nodir yn y Disgrifiad Swydd ar gyfer y swydd wag hon.

I geisio am y swydd, gofynnwch am ffurflen gais gan ein Tîm Adnoddau Dynol drwy glicio ar y botwm ymgeisio gan nodi teitl y swydd a'r rhif cyfeirnod.

Dyddiad cau: 10 Tachwedd 2024 am 11:00pm. Dyddiad Cyfweld: 27 Tachwedd 2024

Posted by
St Giles Trust View profile Organisation type Advertising Agency Company size 501 - 1000
Posted on: 25 October 2024
Closing date: 10 November 2024 at 23:30
Job ref: YCW - 241
Tags: Advice / Information,Social Care / Development,Training / Learning,Advocacy,Counselling,Domestic Violence / Abuse,Mentoring / Coaching,Youth / Children,Social / Support Work