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Closing in 3 days
Ramblers, Haywards Heath (Hybrid)
Unpaid role, expenses paid
Posted 1 month ago Quick Apply
Page 8 of 8
Unpaid role, expenses paid

Actively Interviewing

This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!

Job description


  1. Help establish a programme of talks for September to May (excluding December) using speakers recommended by the RSPB. A list of speakers and where they are based is available online via the RSPB. List of speakers for the year ahead should be ready for the printing of a leaflet in late November. Seek approval from the Committee for the programme and seek their suggestions for future meetings. Some speakers may provide talks on Zoom as a preference and these may be booked for the winter months, to provide group members with different media.

  2. Contact speakers to carry out talks who meet the following criteria: • Good public speaker • Strong photographic background • Has own laptop and projector or can use PowerPoint style presentation. • Lives within reasonable travelling distance • Whose fees and expenses are acceptable to the Committee.

  3. Confirm in writing or by email the arrangements made and obtain mobile phone number to be used in emergencies. Explain car parking arrangements.

  4. Notify the Treasurer of the fee to be paid.

  5. Contact the speaker two weeks in advance of the meeting to make any last-minute arrangements. PREPARATION:

  6. Book room at the venue.

  7. Arrange and confirm dates and arrangements made with speakers.

  8. Ensure that the equipment (namely sound system, laptop and projector), is working and to arrange maintenance / repairs when required.

  9. Have available at all meetings at least one suitable DVD to be used in the unlikely event of a speaker failing to attend.

  10. Provide the newsletter editor and WEB organiser with a brief write up of the talks with details of the subject and speaker.


  1. Arrange chairs and tables
  2. Set up the screen, projector table and any extension leads required.
  3. Ensure that any cables across the floor are taped down to avoid trips.
  4. Put out signs to say where the meeting is.
  5. Adjust the heating / ventilation of room as necessary
  6. Arrange for someone to dim the lights at the appropriate time.
  7. Agree with the speaker an appropriate time for refreshments.
  8. Introduce the speaker, giving brief details of background and experience.
  9. Ensure that the second half of the meeting starts promptly.
  10. At the end of the meeting give a vote of thanks to the speaker.


  1. Obtain from the Treasurer a cheque for the speaker’s fee and give this to him / her at the end of the meeting.
  2. Ensure that all furniture is tidied.
  3. Check for any lost property.
  4. Take equipment away from the room.
  5. Check that lights and appliances have been switched off and the doors are closed.

NEWSLETTER and PROGRAMME Liaise with the newsletter editor re: deadlines for newsletter. The programme of events for the year ahead is printed in December.

Posted by
RSPB View profile Organisation type Registered Charity Company size More than 1000
Refreshed on: 29 December 2024
Closing date: 12 February 2025 at 11:22
Tags: Conservation, Engagement / Outreach, Environment / Animal, Wildlife, Events / Activities

The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.