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Closing in 7 days
Caritas Care, Preston, Lancashire (On-site)
Unpaid role, expenses paid
Posted 3 weeks ago Quick Apply
Page 6 of 27
Exeter, Devon (On-site)
Unpaid role, expenses not paid

Actively Interviewing

This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!

Job description

At MS Society all our activities and services are shaped by our MS community – people affected by MS, volunteers, staff and other experts. We aim to raise as much awareness as possible about MS, to ensure that people with MS have the support and information they need.

We've been successful in securing funding from Wales and West Utilities for a 'test and learn' Community Connections project (covering Wales and the South West of England) which will run until March 2026. 

Community Connections aims to: 

  • Connect people with, and affected by, MS across Wales and the South West of England (Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Bristol, Gloucestershire, and Wiltshire) with services, activities and resources to enable them to live well with MS.
  • Develop links with local service providers which enable people with, and affected by, MS to access support and activities in their local areas, whilst improving connections within the community
  • Provide information and guidance on a range of subjects, including advice about finances, cost of living-related information, energy efficiency information, carbon monoxide awareness and the Priority Service Register. 

As part of the project, we’re looking for volunteers to deliver MS Awareness sessions to partner organisations that the project will signpost to (such as Citizens Advice Bureau). MS Awareness volunteers will help us to ensure that these partner organisations are equipped to support people with MS (who will be accessing their activities and services). To help people to understand how people with MS feel.

Here’s an overview of what will be involved - 

• Delivering talks (via Zoom/Teams) to organisations to increase their understanding of MS and its symptoms. 

• Signposting to the relevant MS Society team for further information and practical support, as required.

• Note taking and helping us understand how effective sessions were 

• Attending regular volunteer support groups, where you will debrief and share experiences with other volunteers, as well as receive support from your supervisor.

We will support you to develop the skills you need for this role which will include an induction into all the areas outlined. You will have a chance to discuss your role and any additional needs you may have with us.

Posted by
The MS Society View profile Organisation type Advertising Agency
Refreshed on: 13 January 2025
Closing date: 27 February 2025 at 23:30
Job ref: 262883VCHJ
Tags: Social / Support Work