Information And Advice Volunteers Volunteer Roles in Edinburgh
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
About Pain
Concern Pain Concern is a charity providing information and support to people with pain and those who care for them, whether family, friends or healthcare professionals. Visit our website to find out more about what we do, including our Airing Pain radio programme, Pain Matters magazine, information helpline, community pain education sessions and our research and campaigning work.
All pain is unpleasant, but for the 7.8 million people in the UK living with long-term pain it is a part of everyday life. It diminishes quality of life more than any other condition, leading often to loss of work, depression and disability. Anyone at any age can develop persistent pain and you will very probably know somebody affected. Although there is usually no cure, people who receive the appropriate treatment, information and support can manage their condition effectively with life changing results
Role purpose
The treasurer acts as a trustee of the charity, with additional responsibilities for overseeing the charities funds. Day to day bookkeeping is carried out in the office by the charity’s accounts clerks, using a Sage accounting package. Please note that for safeguarding purposes, the successful applicant will be required to undertake a PVG check. The cost of which will be covered by Pain Concern. This role reports into the Board of Trustees and works closely with the Charity’s Chair.
What you would be doing
• To monitor the financial administration of the charity and report to the board of trustees at regular (monthly) intervals.
• Overseeing the preparation of the accounts and annual financial statements.
• Leading the board in its duty to ensure that the financial accounts are kept in line with regulatory requirements and reports are filed with OSCR and Companies House.
• Leading in the development and implementation of charity’s reserves policies. • Overseeing the financial controls and adherence to systems.
• Acting as a counter signatory on cheques and online payments. • Board‐level liaison with the external scrutiniser of the accounts.
• Complete Trustee Induction training
• Complete Safeguarding training for Trustees
• Respond in a timely manner to trustee business conducted by email and attend any ad-hoc meetings (appropriate notice given)
Is this role right for me?
We are looking for an individual who possesses some, or all of the experiences, skills and qualities listed below:
• Lived experience/interest in chronic pain or chronic conditions
• Qualifications in either accountancy, finance and/or business studies.
• Experience in an accountancy role
• Ability to handle sensitive information with confidentiality and professionalism.
• A working understanding of IT, Microsoft Office and Microsoft Teams Commitment and location
• Attend 1-2hr online evening meetings 4-6 times per year
• Volunteer from your own location
Benefits to you
• Opportunity to meet new people
• Experience volunteering as part of a friendly team
• Satisfaction of supporting a valuable service in the community
How do I apply?
Please complete the application form on our website
The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
We are recruiting a number of new trustees to our Board, particularly individuals with a background and skills in clinical psychological care, finance, fundraising and/or marketing and communications, digital, data and technology, and more generally in the charity sector, to join our talentedand collegiate team.
For more than 80 years, Fire Fighters Charity has stood side-by-side with the UK’s fire and rescue services community, as a trusted source of clinical care and support, an independent shoulder to lean on, and an enabler for positive health and wellbeing change.
Our Board, together with our dynamic and developing Senior Leadership Team take pride in the quality of our services, our relationships and partnerships, and the rich history of our charity and the fire sector more generally. For us, it is a pleasure to apply our skills and expertise to this compelling cause, and an organisation that can mean the difference between darkness and light, despair and hope, and to be able to see firsthand the relief, respite, wellbeing and happiness our services can bring. Our teams of staff and volunteers, right across the UK, are ambitious, dynamic and committed; we invite you to consider joining us on our journey.
The role:
• Ensure the charity and its subsidiaries comply with the charity’s governing document (Articles of Association), charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations.
• Ensure the charity pursues its objects as defined in its governing document.
• Ensure the charity applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objectives.
• Ensure the effective and efficient administration of the organisation, contribute actively to the board of trustees by giving strategic direction to Fire Fighters Charity, setting overall policy, defining goals, setting targets, and evaluating performance against these.
• Ensure the financial stability of the charity - protect and manage the charity, ensuring the proper investment of the charity’s funds.
• Safeguard the good name and values of Fire Fighters Charity and its subsidiaries. Principal trustee responsibilities:
In addition to these statutory duties, trustees should use any specific skills, knowledge or experience they have to help the Board make appropriate and timely decisions, for example by scrutinising performance information, leading discussions and dialogue about key issues, providing advice and steer, evaluating or offering advice on areas where a trustee may have particular expertise.
We are looking for individuals with strong personal commitment to Fire Fighters Charity’s work and objectives, and a desire to develop and promote the charity so that we can extend our reach and grow our impact.
We offer specialist, lifelong support for members of the UK fire services community, empowering individuals to live happier and healthier lives

The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
Do you have professional experience in coding and computing? Could you support young people in learning how to code?
Are you passionate about equipping the next generation with the skills and strategies needed to succeed?
About us: GT Scholars is a social enterprise that tackles educational inequality by giving ambitious young people the support, skills and strategies they need to achieve their aspirations.
We believe that all young people are gifted and talented, regardless of their background. We run a wide range of programmes that help young people achieve their academic and career aspirations, particularly those from less-privileged backgrounds.
What makes us different? There are many organisations that offer programmes to improve the life chances of young people. However, our programmes use a unique 3:1 model which means that we’re able to sustainably use our profits to provide additional places on our programmes, to young people from low-income homes.
Our mission is to empower and develop the next generation of leaders and change-makers and we’re looking for workshop facilitators that are passionate about making a difference in young people’s lives!
Responsibilities: Facilitators are responsible for designing creative and interactive workshops for our young people, and delivering these workshops with our young people. We run some of our workshops online and other workshops are held in London. All workshops are held during the school holidays, in the evening and on weekends.
The workshop facilitator role is flexible and as part of your role, you may be involved in:
Delivering and leading short workshops or courses, on behalf of GT Scholars (Online or offline)
Designing engaging, interactive and educational workshops and short courses for young people and ensuring that the content is targeted to suit different abilities and capabilities
Running your own bespoke workshops, eg. workshops in coding and technology
Managing short activities and Q&A sessions during our workshops
Working collaboratively with other event coordinators, volunteers, ambassadors, workshop facilitators and speakers at our events
Following the agreed timings and content for workshops and courses
Person specification:
As workshop facilitator, you will need to:
Have passion, knowledge and experience in coding, computing and technology
Have strong presentation skills
Have strong communication skills
Be personable and able to confidently communicate with people from a range of backgrounds and professions.
Be passionate and committed to tackling educational inequality
Be punctual and organised
Availability: Workshops will run during the day on school holiday dates, on Saturdays or in the evening (5pm-8pm).
Additional information: We will need to conduct reference checks and you will need an Enhanced DBS for this role as you will be working directly with children. We can process this for you or you may submit one if this is less than 2 years old.
Rate of pay: This is a self-employed role. You must be aged 18 or above. Facilitator sessions range from 2 to 6 hours. The rate of pay will vary based on the budget of the funder.
The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
Using Anonymous Recruitment
This organisation is using Anonymous Recruitment to reduce bias in the first stages of the hiring process. Submit your application as normal and our system will anonymise it for you. Your personal information will be hidden until the recruiter contacts you.
Support Through Court offers practical and emotional support to people going through the civil courts with no legal aid so that litigants in person are comfortable with the process and can represent themselves to the best of their ability. Our volunteers proved support face to face, on the phone, and online to people dealing with divorce, eviction, access to children and many other challenges. We believe that no one should have to face court alone.
Our current Chair, Caroline Artis is standing down at the end of May and we are looking to recruit a replacement. The new Chair will lead an established board of 9 trustees with a wide range of skills and experience, and work with our Chief Executive and leadership team.
We are looking for a Chair who has skills and experience in leading teams, focusing on strategic goals, communicating with stakeholders, and championing the values of an organisation. While we would expect the Chair to be committed to the values of Support Through Court we do not require applicants to have any experience or qualifications in law or the legal system. We value diversity in our trustees and encourage applications from all walks of life.
Our Chair will work closely with our Chief Executive and other trustees to achieve our strategic objectives. Our board meets five times a year and has three sub-committees dealing with service, audit and risk, and fundraising, each with its own chair. In addition to chairing full board meetings, the Chair will be responsible for appraising the work of the Chief Executive and acting as an ambassador for Support Through Court at various events.
Being a trustee and Chair of Support Through Court is hard work and needs real commitment but it is inspiring and fulfilling to be part of this team.
For further information visit our web site.
Closing date for applications: 6th April 2025
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
Will you share your counselling or psychotherapy skills as a counsellor or therapist to join an online counselling service for patients and families affected by a chronic pain condition (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome)?
We're looking for 2 qualified counsellors, psychotherapists or psychologists volunteers ideally with some experience of working with chronic pain patients or lived experience of chronic illness, who may want to volunteer their skills supporting our adult service users (aged 18 & over) and help us to continue developing a mental health support service.
As a Volunteer Counsellor/Therapist you’ll be providing remote counselling/therapy support services to adults aged 18 and over many of whom are isolated and in need of mental health services. You’ll be providing one-to-one counselling/therapy sessions online via Zoom or by phone. With your recognised counselling qualifications and experience you will be an asset to our small charity and to our services users.
Depending on your qualifications, skills and experience, our volunteer counsellors / therapists provide person centred counselling (general talking counselling) or integrative counselling, or specialist services such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), ACT, CFT and EMDR for CRPS patients, or their families & close relatives.
People will be referred both by health or legal professionals as well as having patients and carers themselves referring into to the service.
In this role you’ll be able to develop your counselling and therapy skills, organisation, communication and team working skills.
Most importantly you’ll be providing essential services that help make sure no one has to face CRPS alone. Be the hope for CRPS.
What the role involves
This role may vary depending on needs, but is likely to include:
Undertake a client assessments, followed by person-centred counselling (via Zoom or phone) to our clients, offering up to 20 sessions for each client plus 4 psychometric assessments
Providing one-to-one counselling sessions to clients aged 18 & over
Update our database with the client’s information, sessional notes and session attendance
Maintain succinct, relevant session notes and store these confidentially and securely in acccordahce with GDPR
- Attending and participating in peer supervision support
Attend CPD training to ensure your knowledge stays current
- Participating in volunteer meetings
- Maintaining client confidentiality, upholding data protection and equal opportunities principle
Attend monthly Supervision and peer support sessions to ensure safe working practices
We can support you to develop the skills you need for this role, including a full induction. You will have a chance to discuss your role and any additional needs with us. We can offer you a supervisor as well as expenses for annual insurance and an external supervisor if required.
What you need for this role
- Be a member (including student membership) of one of the recognised membership organisations (see below)
- Level 4 Diploma level qualifications as a minimum (unfortunately no students at this time), Degree or Masters in Counselling, Counselling/Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy, Art Therapy, EMDR
- Minimum of 100 hours supervised
- Proof of professional indemnity insurance annually - we may consider paying this as an expense but commitment to the charity is required
- A valid DBS certificate (enhanced version), which is less than three years old and renewed every three years (the charity can provide where necessary)
- Able to keep people’s personal data safe
Willing and able to provide counselling via Zoom from a private location with a stable WiFi connection
Able to support a minimum of 3 clients a week, being three hours of your time for therapy sessions plus time for administration. We ideally hope you to offer the charity a minimum commitment of six months.
- Knowledge of chronic pain or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
- Previous experience as a chronic pain or CRPS counsellor or psychologist
- Committed to our values
- Willing to develop skills and experience
- Enjoy working as part of a team
- Effective administration skills, planning and organisation skills
- Approachable, presentable, enthusiastic
We also welcome training counsellors and counselling/clinical psychologists who are looking for placements.
Once we’ve assessed your application, you may be invited for interview. If you are successful, we will arrange for you to have an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service DBS or Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) check.
Recognised Organisations You Must Be A Member of:
- British Association for Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP)
- British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapists (BABCP)
- EMDR Association UK
- Complimentary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)
- British Psychological Society
- General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR)
- British Society for Clinical Hypnotherapists (BSCH)
- National Council for Hypnotherapists (NCH)
- United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP)
- The National Hypnotherapy Society (HS)
- National Counselling Society (NCS)
- Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC)
- The Association for Professional Hypnosis and Psychotherapy (APHP)
- National Register of Hypnotherapists & Psychotherapists (NRHP)
Making a difference
What impact will the opportunity have?
You will join the charity during a critical and challenging period where referrals are on the rise and your expert knowledge and experience will be invaluable to our success. You will have a key role in not only developing a counselling service for our clients but also ensure we provide counselling services and mental health support to our CRPS patients & their families who are in need of our support and inclusion on a regular basis. With your help we will expand our support and mental health services to ensure our service users receive mental health support that they may not have been offered.
What's in it for you as the volunteer?
You would be a part of our small, friendly, forward-thinking charity team, focused on reaching people affected by this rare, painful and debilitating chronic pain condition and to provide them with psychological support whether they are patients, their partner, relatives, friends or carers. As this service is rapidly expanding, you would have a key role in developing our counselling and psychotherapy programme and to complement our support services that we offer. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to make a real difference in our clients' life which is already isolated and painful, who may not have received any psychological support.
To drive change for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) & ensure people whose lives have been touched by this condition are not alone.

Using Anonymous Recruitment
This organisation is using Anonymous Recruitment to reduce bias in the first stages of the hiring process. Submit your application as normal and our system will anonymise it for you. Your personal information will be hidden until the recruiter contacts you.
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
Are you an experienced HR professional looking to make a meaningful impact? We are seeking a dedicated and efficient Human Resources Manager to support our charity in developing and managing our HR strategy, policies and processes.
About Us
Emerge Worldwide's work involves raising awareness surrounding some of the key issues that lead to sexual exploitation and sex trafficking, and its destructive consequences. The work focuses on prevention of the issues, victim identification and support through advocacy, public support and empowerment of communities.
We make an impactful difference in the lives of children, young people, women and professionals as well as organisations and businesses through education and support. There has been a 10% increase in sexual exploitation and sex trafficking against children, and 99% of victims in the commercial sex industry are female.
How you can help
It is a great opening to gain valuable experience in the human trafficking sector through Emerge Worldwide. As HR Manager, you will crucially ensure ethical, professional and effective management of volunteers and staff is maintained.
The positive impact of the HR Manager role ensures that the organisation can better serve its mission to combat sexual exploitation and sex trafficking.
What are we looking for?
We are looking for an individual with the passion and drive for Human Resources, who will play a key role in shaping our HR policies, supporting our team, and ensuring a positive and effective work environment.
Key Responsibilities
- Oversee recruitment, onboarding, and retention of volunteers and staff
- Develop HR policies and procedures aligned with best practices
- Manage performance management and Development
- Provide guidance on employment law and HR compliance
- Foster a positive and productive organisational culture
- Deliver on training and development initiatives
Who We’re Looking For
- Proven HR experience (manager level desirable)
- Knowledge of HR policies, employment law, and best practices
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills
- Ability to work independently and as part of a team
- Passion for charitable work and making a difference in people’s lives for a great cause
Time Commitment
Up to 5 hours per week
What you will gain:
- Make a real difference in people’s lives and gain valuable experience in a charitable organisation
- Be part of bringing positive change to women & girls lives, and our communities
- Work with a passionate and supportive team
- Utilise your HR experience and skills in an organisation advocating for a great cause
We are a welcoming team, dedicated to creating a positive and engaging volunteer experience where you’ll feel valued, inspired, and empowered to bring your ideas to life.
If you're interested in using your HR skills for a great mission, we'd love to hear from you!
Before you apply
The recruitment process includes an interview, and we will request references and a DBS on successful appointment.
Raising awareness and prevention on sexual exploitation & sex trafficking. Amplifying our voice until freedom is experienced for all women and girls.
The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
About YAUK
Youth Advantage UK is a charitable organization that uses a research-led approach to inform policy work and projects that aim to promote and further the human rights of young people aged 11 to 25 across the United Kingdom.
Please note that this is a remote VOLUNTEER role.
We won't accept applications from individuals residing outside of the UK as we operate on the principle of bettering the lives of young people in the UK. Therefore, we require our volunteers to have an understanding of what it is like to live in the UK.
- Provide support to the CEO on matters of urgency and importance to the organization.
- Manage the agenda for meetings the CEO holds ensuring all actions are allocated for actioning
- Sign post management across the organisation as required
- Handle multiple tasks and priorities simultaneously
- Organizing and coordinating meetings, appointments, and events to ensure efficient time management for the CEO
- Handling Communications: Acting as the first point of contact for the CEO, managing correspondence.
- Preparing reports, presentations, and other documents needed for meetings and decision-making.
- Assisting with various administrative tasks such as record-keeping and office management.
- Coordinating specific tasks as assigned by the CEO
- Acting as a bridge between the CEO and other senior management, ensuring smooth communication
- Excellent communication skills.
- Excellent organizational skills.
- Experience in fast-paced environments.
- Good IT skills.
- Ability to use remote systems.
- Ability to engage with others well.
- Good people skills.
- This is a UK-based, 100% fully remote and flexible role.
- Supportive team and management to enhance your skills and build on your experience.
- Your work will help transform and empower many young people’s lives, rights, and interests and assist in promoting equality for all young people.
Why Volunteer with Us?
We are a supportive and friendly organization that takes pride in developing and nurturing our staff and providing them with excellent opportunities to thrive and further encourage their career growth and future aspirations.
We offer a fully remote working environment and a flexible and adaptable working schedule. This is an excellent opportunity to join a growing organization, enhance your skills, and gain valuable experience. If this sounds like you and you are interested in applying for this position, please submit your CV.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
Do you enjoying talking with people and helping them based on your life experiences?
Are you able to volunteer a few hours a week?
Yes? We’d love to hear from you.
What is knus?
knus is the UK’s first free, confidential, mental health peer support and coaching online chat service. knus offers mental health educational plans, relaxation experiences and live workshops.
What does knus mean? 'hug' in Danish.
Here’s some further information on what’s needed:
Are you over 18 and living in the UK?
You must be over the 18 years of age and live permanently in the UK.
Do you have a laptop?
A laptop and a quiet space to volunteer is essential.
How much time can you give?
A minimum of 3+ hours per week is required. We are flexible and like to work around you.
Do you like to learn?
We provide training for all volunteers that join us. Our peer support training is CPD accredited. 20-25 hours of volunteering training is required and is self led online.
If you’re interested head over to our website and we can have a chat or apply here.
Please note - all successful volunteers are required to donate the cost price of £20.60 for an Enhanced DBS check. If you've got a current Enhanced DBS on the update service, this cost will not apply.
You must be a UK resident to apply for this role.
To always be ‘by your side’ when you need mental health peer support.
The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
As a member of The Working Group research team, our Social Science Researchers (SSR) study the human rights liberties and suppressions of women and girls within each country to identify and address social issues. They implement and manage research projects, collect and analyse data, and report findings of said research. Their work helps shape IWI’s policy decisions, social reforms, and human interactions.
o Understand the needs of the project, i.e. the research questions it needs to answer;
o Design an appropriate methodology to deliver the project;
o Design and write survey questionnaires;
o Apply a range of research techniques to gather relevant information, including document analysis, surveys, case studies and interviews (face-to-face, telephone and online);
o Liaise with and direct social research field interviewers to gather information;
o Gather information by directing or carrying out qualitative fieldwork;
o Conduct reviews of relevant literature and evidence;
o Analyse and evaluate research and interpret data using a range of analysis packages;
o Prepare, present and disseminate results in the form of reports, briefings, research papers and presentations;
o Offer research-based briefings and advice, which may involve writing action plans;
o Advise external bodies on social policy;
o Prepare and present tenders for new research projects or respond to research tenders prepared by others.
o Quantitative and qualitative research skills for undertaking tasks such as interviewing, survey design and controlled trials;
o Strong numerical, analytical and problem-solving skills;
o The ability to think logically and creatively;
o A natural sense of curiosity to understand social issues and the impact policy can have;
o Good verbal and written communication skills, to write reports and present findings;
o Strong interpersonal skills for developing and maintaining relationships;
o Teamworking skills and the ability to work well independently;
o Confidence in using Microsoft office software and a range of digital tools and platforms;
o Project management skills to oversee all aspects of a research project right through from initial plans to the final report;
o Accuracy and attention to detail for handling data and reporting research findings;
o A flexible approach to work, with the ability to work on several different research projects simultaneously;
o Organisation skills, good time management and the ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines.
o Fluency in English is a MUST. Additional UN languages are a plus;
o At least 4 years of research experience;
o At least 2 years of experience working for a government authority, INGO and/or private sector.
The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
Will you share your counselling or psychotherapy skills as a child & young person's (CYP) counsellor or therapist to join an online counselling service for young patients with a pain condition (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome)? We’re supporting patients, relatives, partners and carers affected by a debilitating condition; Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS).
We're looking for qualified paediatric/child & young person counsellors, psychotherapists or psychologists ideally with some experience of working with chronic pain patients, who may want to volunteer their skills supporting our young service users and help develop a psychological support service.
As a Volunteer Child/Young Person's Counsellor/Therapist you’ll be providing remote online counselling/therapy support services to young people aged 5 to 18 who are vulnerable, many of whom are isolated and in need of mental health services. You’ll be providing one-to-one counselling sessions online or by phone. With your recognised counselling qualifications and experience you will be an asset to our small charity and to our young services users. We will also consider therapists who are in need of a placement.
Depending on your qualifications, skills and experience, volunteer child counsellors / therapists provide person centred counselling (general talking counselling), integrative, pluralistic including or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), ACT and EMDR for young CRPS patients.
We are needing to expand this service to support our young clients as it has rapidly received a high number of referrals. People can be referred both by health or legal professionals as well as having parents/guardians referring them to the service.
In this role you’ll be able to develop your paediatric counselling skills, organisation, communication and team working skills. If you have experience in younger children please do get in touch.
Most importantly you’ll be providing essential services that help make sure no one has to face CRPS alone. Be the hope for CRPS.
What the role involves
This role may vary depending on needs, but is likely to include:
Undertake a child client assessments, followed by person-centred counselling (via Zoom or phone) to our clients, offering up to 20 one hour (or 45 mins age dependant) sessions for each client plus 4 assessments
Providing one-to-one therapy sessions to young patients aged 5-18 (we will consider therapists who can only support primary or secondary school age)
Update our database with the client’s basic information and session attendance
Maintain succinct, relevant session notes and store these securely
- Attending and participating in meetings
- Project monitoring, creating, reporting and outcomes evaluation procedures
Attend CPD training to ensure your knowledge stays current
- Participating in regular meetings with the Clinical Lead
- Maintaining client confidentiality, upholding data protection and equal opportunities principle
Attend monthly Supervision to ensure safe working practices
We can support you to develop the skills you need for this role, including an induction. You will have a chance to discuss your role and any additional needs with us.
What you need for this role
- Be a member of one of the recognised organisations (see below)
- Level 4 Diploma level qualifications as a minimum, Degree or Masters in Paediatric Counselling, Counselling/Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy, Play Therapy, Dance & Movement Psychotherapy or Art Therapy
- Minimum of 100 hours supervised
- Proof of professional indemnity insurance annually - we may consider paying this as an expense but commitment to the charity is required
- A valid DBS certificate (enhanced version), which is less than three years old and renewed every three years (the charity can provide where necessary)
- Able to keep people’s personal data safe
Willing and able to provide counselling via Zoom from a private location with a stable WiFi connection
Able to support a minimum of 2 child or young clients a week, being two hours of your time for counselling sessions plus time for administration. We ideally hope you to offer the charity a commitment of six months.
- Personal or professional Knowledge or experience of chronic pain or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
- Previous experience as a chronic pain or CRPS paediatric counsellor or psychologist
- Committed to our values
- Willing to develop skills and experience
- Enjoy working as part of a team
- Effective administration skills, planning and organisation skills
- Approachable, presentable, enthusiastic
We welcome trained paediatric counsellors, child therapists and counselling/clinical psychologists who are willing to give their time to support our valuable work.
Once we’ve assessed your application, you may be invited for interview. If you are successful, we will arrange for you to have an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service DBS or Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) check.
Recognised Organisations
- British Association for Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP)
- British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapists (BABCP)
- Complimentary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)
- General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR)
- British Society for Clinical Hypnotherapists (BSCH)
- National Council for Hypnotherapists (NCH)
- United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP)
- The National Hypnotherapy Society (HS)
- National Counselling Society (NCS)
- Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC)
- The Association for Professional Hypnosis and Psychotherapy (APHP)
- National Register of Hypnotherapists & Psychotherapists (NRHP)
Making a difference
What impact will the opportunity have?
You will join the charity during a critical and challenging period as the service is rapidly expanding and your expert knowledge and experience will be invaluable to our success. You will have a key role in not only developing a counselling service for younger clients but also ensure we provide counselling services and mental health support to our young child CRPS patients who are in need of our support and inclusion on a regular basis. With your help we will expand our support and mental health services to ensure our service users receive mental health support that they may not have been offered.
What's in it for you as the volunteer?
You would be a part of our small, friendly, forward-thinking charity team, focused on reaching people affected by this rare, painful and debilitating chronic pain condition and to provide them with psychological support whether they are patients, their partner, relatives, friends or carers. As this service is continually developing, you would have a key role in developing a young person counselling programme and to complement our support services that we offer. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to make a real difference in a child's life which is already isolated and painful, who may not have received any psychological support.
To drive change for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) & ensure people whose lives have been touched by this condition are not alone.

Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
The Sussex Area of the Ramblers has two Countryside Officers, one for East Sussex and one for West Sussex. The primary activity in the role is to act on behalf of members where a reported planning development is likely to have an adverse impact on the walking environment in the Sussex countryside.
The Ramblers, which celebrates its 90th anniversary in 2025, is the only charity dedicated to removing barriers so everyone can enjoy walking in green spaces, and to improving Britain’s most popular and least-known walking places. We’re committed to campaigning to keep our countryside open to all and to fighting for the things that matter most to walkers. We lead the way, and the walks, for a vibrant community united by the joys of walking, helping everyone get more out of their walks.
The role of East Sussex Area Countryside Officer involves reviewing planning applications published by Local Authorities and lodging objections on behalf of Sussex Ramblers if an application is likely to have an adverse impact on the Sussex countryside and the places where people walk. Objections may be expressed in writing through a response to the planning process, but could also involve site visits and on occasions attendance at public hearings or meetings with representatives of Local Authorities or with other stakeholders such as Parish Councils and environmental and wildlife organisations.
The role holder will work closely with other Ramblers volunteers such as the East Sussex Area Footpath Officer, the West Sussex Area Countryside Officer and Local Footpath Wardens in East Sussex and where necessary will seek advice and guidance from Ramblers' Central Office. Other main contacts include the Local Authorities, Parish/Town Councils, the South Downs National Park Authority and the East Sussex Local Access Forum. The role holder will be a member of the Area leadership team (Area Council). You will need to be a member of the Ramblers.
Applicants should have a passion for walking and for preservation and protection of the natural beauty of the countryside and the special qualities of urban space, and a good knowledge of East Sussex. Experience and knowledge of the Local Authorities planning process is not essential but would be an advantage. The position is suitable for a mature professional individual who is highly reliable, organised, capable of taking initiative and with an ability to articulate strategic issues clearly in written form. A desire and ability to work in a team environment is essential. You will also need to be comfortable using a computer and the internet, and managing information.
The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
Trailblazers’ mission is to reduce re-offending and inspire new futures. Your support will help a young man to reconnect with his community, friends and loved ones, go into education, training and employment, and give a person a sense of hope for the future.
Trailblazers has been providing mentoring services to people in prison since 1998 with ultimate aim to reduce re-offending. We provide support to men between the age of 18 - 35 in custody who have 6 months left of their prison sentence, and then 'through the gate' into their own community for up to 12 months. The Education, Training & Employment (ETE) team supports our mentees in custody to break down barriers to employability. Post-release, this continues by supporting mentees to gain meaningful and career changing roles in sector specific industries such as Construction, Engineering, Catering & Hospitality or the Self-Employment route.
The ETE team are looking to build a team of volunteers to work with mentees in the community and to shape the existing ETE service in the Thames Valley area. We are looking for volunteer mentors who can commit for up to 12 months and give a few hours a week to support men to change their life by being inspirational role models, helping with goal setting and supporting their mentee to access ETE opportunities and ultimately gain meaningful employment. Mentoring sessions will be 1:1, take place weekly and can be done remotely by telephone or online. These sessions will last approximately one hour, but some time should also be given to liaising with Trailblazers staff and researching relevant opportunities.
Induction training is provided, out of pocket expenses covered, a mobile phone is provided to protect your identity, a Trailblazers T-shirt and lanyard are provided, DBS costs are covered, as well as regular reflective practice sessions to support you within your role.
We are actively looking for people to join our mentoring community with lived experience of the criminal justice system, under represented groups from BAME community, creative arts, business skills, wellbeing - whatever your skills and background we are open to hear from you to support our diverse group of men.
Trailblazers are looking for Volunteer Mentors who are:
- Empathetic with a positive outlook and manner.
- Able to help others without judgement or discrimination.
- Excellent communicators with a sense of humour.
- Well organised, can prioritise and multi-task.
- Reliable and able to commit to the role for up to 12 months providing weekly ETE sessions remotely either by telephone or via Zoom / MS Team digital platforms.
- Have skills and experience in supporting those who are disadvantaged into education, training and employment (ETE).
- Able to work independently with the ability to prioritise and manage your own workload with minimal supervision taking a flexible and creative approach to the demands of the post.
- Able to demonstrate sensitivity to other cultures, working with people from other backgrounds and demonstrate a commitment to equal opportunities.
Trailblazers’ mission is to reduce re-offending and inspire new futures for young men (18-35) leaving prison.

The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
Amazing, giving, and inspiring are just a few words we would use to describe our volunteers.
Our volunteers play an integral part in the services we provide and the people we support. If you are looking for a rewarding role where you will really make a difference whilst gaining experience along the way, then join us here at Rethink Mental Illness.
About the role
As a Regional Fundraising Volunteer, you will support Rethink Mental Illness in generating income, raising awareness, and building community engagement through local fundraising initiatives. The role will involve event planning and support, and public engagement to help achieve regional fundraising goals.
You will play a major part in bringing to life regional fundraising activities in line with our “Rethink in the Community" concept and increase regional awareness to generate much needed additional income and amplify the impact of the work Rethink Mental Illness do.
You will receive training and regular supervision to ensure you feel confident in your role.
Regional locations
Our Fundraising Team works across the following regions: North East & Yorkshire, North West, North East of England, Midlands, London, South East, South West. Whilst this is a home based role, you will occasionally attend events within your region.
What you will be doing as a Regional Fundraising Volunteer:
Support and assist in organising and participating in local fundraising events.
Help with event logistics, set-up, and participant engagement to ensure smooth delivery.
Take part in local initiatives acquiring donors and do it yourself fundraisers.
Increase awareness of the organisation’s work by helping to promote regional fundraising activity.
Represent the organisation at schools, community groups, and public events, delivering presentations to inspire support.
Communicate with supporters via phone, email, and face-to-face interactions.
Attend and contribute to meetings with the fundraising team and supporters to share updates and ideas.
What will make you a great fit for this role?
You will have good knowledge of your local community and be passionate about making a difference to those severely affected by mental illness. You will also have:
The ability to organise events and activities
The ability to inspire and motivate others
Good communication skills
Creative ideas to promote diverse fundraising activities
Dedication to our cause
Who are we?
We’re Rethink Mental Illness, a leading charity provider of mental health services in England. We support thousands of people through our groups, services, policy, campaigns and advice and information. Our work supports us in delivering on our mission: “A better life for everyone severely affected by mental illness.”
It is an exciting time to join our growing charity. We are on a transformation journey, one that supports the delivery of the organisation strategy – delivering Communities that Care. Supporting employees, managers and leaders through this change is a key priority for the People function. Just like its key that we attract diverse people to come and work for us.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
Diversity is important to us and we appreciate difference through difference, inclusiveness and belonging. It gives us a deeper understanding of the world, our society and the diverse communities we’re working with. By including everyone, we are able to draw on the unique experiences and expertise of our people to help shape and enrich our workplace and improve our services. One way we are doing is through our valued staff networks which play a critical and highly valued role in keeping us focused on creating a diverse, inclusive and engaged employer. We recognise and support staff networks for our Black, Asian and minority ethnic and our LGBTQIA+ colleagues. We are also proud to have been awarded Disability Confident Employer status and are a signatory to the Business in the Community Race at Work Charter.
Becoming a truly anti-racist organisation
We have an ambition of become a truly anti-racist employer, campaigning organisation and service provider - and in our efforts to influence policy and wider societal factors impacting on mental health set out in our anti-racist statement . We have designed a multi-year anti-racist programme of work contained in our Race Equality Action Plan which demonstrate our intention to hold ourselves accountable and be judged on our progress on becoming a truly anti-racist organisation.
We therefore actively encourage and welcome applications from everyone, including applicants with lived experience, those who are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (or questioning), Intersex and (asexual) (LGBTQIA+), people with a disability, and people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) backgrounds.
We’re Rethink Mental Illness and no matter how bad things are, we can help people severely affected by mental illness to improve their lives.
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
Do you want to take part in vegan volunteering around your local area?
You can do that – right here at The Vegan Society.
We have an ever-growing Community Network of vegans just like you, who have a passion to volunteer and promote veganism where they live.
Every month, our Network choose from a range of outreach tasks. These could include town centre stalls, writing to a councillor or MP, sharing our campaigns on social media or contacting local businesses. You're in control of how much or how little you do.
As an Advocate, you will have a network of other Advocates and an Organiser in your area. Your Organiser will be your main point of contact. They will send you tasks every month and ask you to feed back on what you've completed and any positive outcomes.
Why do we need you to volunteer?
As the vegan community grows, veganism itself becomes better understood. We're finding that more people are looking to The Vegan Society to find out what being vegan is all about.
Local communities are starting to see the vegan movement as something real and something that’s happening in their area. More people are embracing a vegan lifestyle, which we welcome. From new businesses, to families, to councillors, many people need support. This could be with a range of topics: going vegan, finding correct information around a vegan diet, providing vegan options in their business, MPs listening to vegan constituents, and learning about our work.
Local issues are often unique and more varied than national issues. Our volunteers from local areas are vital! They enable us to share our messages and campaigns in an effective way. Research tells us that people are far more likely to trust information from a peer rather than an outside expert, so community volunteering vastly increases the impact of our campaigns.
Our network of committed local vegans across the country is growing! The Vegan Society organises various outreach activities to influence change in every level of society. There are a range of activities going on all the time, from general educational stalls at events to meeting with local policy influencers.
Advocates are a crucial voice in their own community. They ensure that our campaign messages are spread far and wide. They provide a strong vegan presence in local communities.
What does the Advocate role involve?
Being an Advocate for veganism with The Vegan Society will mean communicating with people in your local community. You'll share the benefits of a vegan lifestyle. You will form part of a local group, headed up by a local Organiser. The Organiser will feed back your collective efforts to staff. You will also be invited to our private Facebook group, for vegan socialising and ideas sharing.
You’ll stay in touch with the Organiser and bring your passion to tasks. Activities can range from staffing a stall to giving a talk at an employee event. It could also mean writing to a local newspaper or lobbying an MP.
Messaging can differ every month. Part of our mission statement is to ensure people can remain vegan, so you might focus on getting more vegan options available in local businesses. Or within our Live Vegan for Less campaign, you may share cheap vegan recipes to help people with the cost of living.
When acting as an Advocate, you will use The Vegan Society’s branding and messaging guidelines. Your local Organiser will guide you in doing this, as they hold physical resources and handbooks. You can report any issues and feedback you have to your Organiser. You can also contact staff if your Organiser isn't available or you have any problems.
What training and support is available?
You will be provided with a big welcome and full induction from your local Organiser. They will introduce you to the group and any actions that are ongoing. Any training and development will be provided via your Organiser, and you can also ask for specific training on any areas that you need some development in.
What skills would be useful in doing this role?
- The ability to stay motivated in order to achieve the best possible outcomes
- Good email etiquette, responding in a timely manner
- Committed to veganism and the mission of The Vegan Society
- Ability to stay calm if confronted with differing opinions or challenges
- A good communicator, with the ability to be persuasive
- Confident in communicating with people from a range of backgrounds
- Experience of campaigning
- Any experience in talking with members of the public through customer/public service would be helpful
- Awareness of current affairs, especially those that relate to veganism
- Regular availability and a willingness to stay committed to actions
- Good team player
How much time do I need to invest?
For Advocates, we ask for people to engage in a minimum of four to six actions per year. An example of an action could be writing to an MP or holding a stall. But the more you can do, the better! On occasion, there may also be online meetings to plan for actions or provide training.
The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
About YAUK
We are a not-for-profit organisation passionate about improving the lives of young people across the UK and believe that every young person should have the opportunity to succeed regardless of their background or circumstances.
Our work involves using up-and-coming research and advocacy to address issues affecting young people, such as climate change, unemployment and skills training, and inclusion and diversity. We are firmly committed to improving young people's lives and believe that our unique and successful approach to achieving our vision will change lives for the better.
Please note that this is a VOLUNTEER role.
We won't accept applications from individuals residing outside of the UK as we operate on the principle of bettering the lives of young people in the UK. Therefore, we require our volunteers to have an understanding of what it is like to live in the UK.
To manage strategy, policy and the vision of the Research & Policy Department
To guide and support more junior management to achieve success in their roles
To have overall responsibility for all of our research and research ethics
To oversee and develop departmental procedure and process
To align the department with its objective and goals
To be lead the department and oversee all of its volunteers and functions
You will need
Management experience
Research experience and have completed a postgraduate course of study
Research ethics
Planning skills
Research report writing experience
Ability to create and manage policy
This is a UK based 100% Fully remote and flexible role
Supportive Team and Management to enhance your skills and build on your experience.
Your work will help transform and empower many young people’s lives, rights and interests and assist in promoting equality for all young people.
Why volunteer with us?
We are a supportive and friendly organisation that takes pride in developing and nurturing our staff and providing them with excellent opportunities to thrive and further encourage their career growth and future aspirations.
We offer a fully remote working environment and a flexible and adaptable working schedule. This is an excellent opportunity to join a growing organisation, enhance your skills, and gain valuable experience to help you begin your career in Research as we endeavour to grow our organisation and continue to make positive changes to the lives of young people. If this sounds like you and you are interested in applying for this position, please submit your CV.
We look forward to hearing from you!