Chair Of Trustee Board Volunteer Roles in Edinburgh
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
Ethiopiaid is a small international fundraising charity based in Bath, UK. It is one of four Ethiopiaid’s that shares a global strategy, vision, and mission. The other Ethiopiaid’s are in Ireland, Canada, and Australia. Each is a registered non-profit and operates with separate trustee boards.
We are a fundraising organisation connecting like-minded donors with the work that we support. Funds are raised through direct and online appeals, applications to grant makers, from major donors and through legacies. In 2024 over £2.4 million was raised to support work in Ethiopia focusing on maternal health, harmful traditional practices, education, opportunities for women and girls, people living with disabilities and support for the vulnerable. We also support our partners with emergency relief and recovery.
We are seeking a new Finance Lead Trustee to provide scrutiny and oversight of the work of Ethiopiaid, and support the CEO and Senior Finance Manager in achieving the charity’s financial targets, as well as providing Board oversight of the annual audited accounts process.
As our Finance Lead Trustee, you will:
· Review our accounts
· Ensure relevant financial policies are in place as required by the charity commission
· Have an excellent ability to interpret financial information and the confidence to raise questions and challenge
· Have oversight of the charity’s expenditure and return on investment
· Have the ability to think creatively and strategically, exercising good and impartial judgement
· Liaise with senior staff to ensure financial reports are user friendly for non-finance trustees
· Provide support for the Chair of trustees and the whole board
· Be willing to be available to support the charity’s CEO and Senior Finance Manager as needed
· Have a good understanding of, or be willing to learn, the rules and regulation around charity finance
Specific knowledge and experience sought:
· CCAB/CIMA qualified professional
· An interest in international development and the issues we are supporting our partners to tackle in Ethiopia
This role is voluntary and reasonable travel costs are reimbursed. The term of appointment is initially three years. This may be extended by mutual agreement.
The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
At CATTs, we work to give every young person 15-29 to access to vital health education, to allow them to be empowered to know their own bodies and to feel confident communicating health worries. We do this by working with young people and providing interactive workshops that will cover a multitude of topics concerning their health. Our work will always be supported by communities we serve and what they want, and need will come above everything else. This will ensure every young person feels heard through our work and by the people that need to hear them.
What are we looking for.....
We are now looking for up to 4 new trustees to lead the organisation and work with the staff team in delivering the next 5 year plan,building CATTs into a leader in cancer awareness, creating sustainable and diversified funding streams, and addressing the health inequalities that young people and communities face on a daily basis.
Detection: Knowing the signs & symptoms;
Prevention: Knowing how to reduce their risk of cancer as a young person;
Empowerment & Independence: Making informed choices for themselves and realising that they know their body best.
Put simply, CATTs are for young people, by young people. Diverse backgrounds can lead to different health experiences among young people. CATTs work to make sure all young people have a voice by addressing their specific health needs surrounding different genders, sexualities, abilities, ethnicities and living statuses. CATTs want to create a culture shift of talking to each other frankly about health. Tackling taboo subjects helps create a more open and honest society without shame. If we can break the stigma, people are more likely to get their signs & symptoms checked by a doctor earlier.
We are currently delivering our five-year strategy, we would encourage applicants to review the strategy (please find attached) and highlight within your application how your skills set could contribute to the delivery of those ambitions.
What's in it for you?
We want to be able to develop the leaders of the future, provide a space that you can gain experience in a non-exec role that will help with future roles both paid and unpaid. We are also happy to look at what learning opportunities we can provide you that help you deliver in your role with CATTs, within the rules set out by our regulator, the Charity Commission.
CATTs has identified that the following areas of expertise must be covered within the Trustees:
Strategic finances
Fundraising/hands on finances
Traditional Marketing/Branding
Social Media Guru
GP Communication
Community Engagement/Workshop Approach
Sales/Market Research/Selling Workshops
Public Health & Health Inequalities
Social Impact/Monitor & Evaluation
As part of this recruitment round, whilst we welcome all applications we specifically, as seeking to bring onboard individuals with experience in;
Strategic Finance
Marketing and Social Media
Public Health
Human Resources
Operational delivery
As part of this recruitment round, the structure of the trustee board, will be changing from one overall chair to one chair and two vice chairs (one supporting governance responsibilities of the charity, one supporting operational delivery).
Person specification
Each trustee must have:
A commitment to the mission of CATTs;
A willingness to meet the minimum time requirement;
Good, independent judgement;
An ability to think creatively and to use your imagination to support the future of the charity;
A willingness to speak their mind
Possess the willingness to understand the charities legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of the trusteeship
An ability to work effectively as a member of a team and to take decisions for the good of CATTs.
CATTs is willing to provide training and support to any new trustees that have not previously held positions of responsibility (Please find attached further information on the responsiblities of being a trustee).
The commitment from you...
CATTs would like our trustees to commit at least 3 to 5 hours a month of availability to help with the staff team, along with 6 meetings (1 hour 30 mins each) of the board per year. This is the minimum but if you can commit more on either a long-term or for a particular project that would be great.
How do I apply?
After completing a short application and blind-shifting process we will invite shortlisted applicants for an interview with our trustees and the CATTs staff team. We will look at the option of shadowing our current board team but are also happy to hit the ground running joining the board fully straightaway.
Deadline for applications: 23:00 Sunday 16th March
We will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible, and are looking at short listing applications from Monday 17th March, and as they come in after that.
If you are successful at moving onto the next stage, interviews will be arranged for April/ May with appointments to be confirmed in June / July 2025.
Within your application, within your cover letter of no more than 750 words please focus on two areas;
1) What you would hope to gains from joining the board of CATTs
2) How your experience and skills set relates to areas we are seeking to build capability within the trustee board
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
STAMMA is seeking a Chair of the Finance Committee to join our Trustee Board.
STAMMA is a small, ambitious, award-winning charity working with a brilliant community keen to create space and respect for people who stammer. Founded in 1978, and formerly the British Stammering Association, we’re a registered charity and a membership organisation.
Stammering has historically been used to evoke humour or suggest inadequacy. Little wonder that many who stammer face daily ignorance, discrimination and disrespect. This can affect job prospects, mental health and cause social isolation. It can result in making a GP appointment a nightmare, stop you accessing a service altogether and leave you feeling disbelieved. We’re here to change that.
We want to create a world where there is space for people to stammer. We’re at the start of a new 5-year journey, supported by the National Lottery, to create space for people who stammer. Now couldn’t be a better time to join us.
While Trustees have ultimate responsibility for the organisation, including finance, the Chair of the Finance Sub Committee will support other trustees carry out their financial duties.
The Chair of the Finance Committee will support the board in maintaining an overview of the charity's affairs, ensure its financial viability and that the charity has policies and systems in place to ensure robust financial planning, implementation and reporting.
They postholder will:
- Work with the Finance Manager and CEO to compilate the annual report of accounts for submission to the independent examiner and quarterly management accounts for the Board.
- Advise fellow Trustees on a regular basis of the financial status of the charity and where necessary recommend action
- Maintain budgetary oversight with the CEO.
- Ensure the charity complies with legislative and regulatory requirements with regards to financial matters and acts within the confines of its governing document.
- Maintain sound financial management of the charity’s resources, ensuring expenditure is in line with the agreed budget and investment activities meet accepted standards and policies.
- Chair the Finance Committee in line with the terms of reference and recommend and report findings, developments and recommendations to the Board of Trustees.
- Ensure that the charity has an appropriate reserves and investment policies.
- Act in the best interest of the charity, our beneficiaries and future beneficiaries.
- Formally present the accounts at the annual general meeting, drawing attention to important points in an accessible and easily understandable way.
- Maintain absolute confidentiality about all sensitive and confidential information received as a trustee of the charity.
- Ensure that the organisation pursues its stated objects (purposes), as defined in its governing document, by developing and agreeing a long-term strategy.
- Ensure that the organisation complies with its governing document, charity law, company law and relevant legislation or regulations.
- Ensure that the organisation applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its charitable objects.
- Ensure that the organisation defines its goals and evaluates performance against agreed targets.
- Safeguard the good name and values of the organisation.
- Ensure the effective and efficient administration of the organisation, including having appropriate policies and procedures in place.
- Ensure the financial stability of the organisation and protect and manage the property of the charity and the investment of the charity’s funds.
- Follow proper and formal arrangements for the appointment, supervision, support, appraisal and remuneration of the Chief Executive.
In addition to these statutory duties, each trustee should use their skills, knowledge and experience to help the board of trustees reach sound decisions. This will involve scrutinising board papers, leading discussions, focusing on key issues, providing advice and guidance on new initiatives, or other issues in which the trustee has expertise.
- A qualified accountant is preferred, but not obligatory. Applicants should have experience of financial control and budgeting at a senior level.
- Experience of charity finance, fundraising and pension schemes.
- The skills to analyse proposals and examine their financial consequences.
- Prepared to provide challenge to the Board and CEO on financial projections and position.
- Willingness to be available to the CEO and Finance Manager for advice and enquiries on an ad hoc basis.
- Ideally, experience of Sage accounting.
- Commitment to the organisation. It would be brilliant if you stammer, but not essential.
- Willingness to devote the necessary time and effort.
- Strategic vision.
- Good, independent judgement.
- Ability to think creatively.
- Willingness to speak their mind.
- Understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship.
- Ability to work effectively as a member of a team.
We exist to create a world that makes space for stammering. Where a stammer is embraced as just a difference.

The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
We are recruiting a number of new trustees to our Board, particularly individuals with a background and skills in clinical psychological care, finance, fundraising and/or marketing and communications, digital, data and technology, and more generally in the charity sector, to join our talentedand collegiate team.
For more than 80 years, Fire Fighters Charity has stood side-by-side with the UK’s fire and rescue services community, as a trusted source of clinical care and support, an independent shoulder to lean on, and an enabler for positive health and wellbeing change.
Our Board, together with our dynamic and developing Senior Leadership Team take pride in the quality of our services, our relationships and partnerships, and the rich history of our charity and the fire sector more generally. For us, it is a pleasure to apply our skills and expertise to this compelling cause, and an organisation that can mean the difference between darkness and light, despair and hope, and to be able to see firsthand the relief, respite, wellbeing and happiness our services can bring. Our teams of staff and volunteers, right across the UK, are ambitious, dynamic and committed; we invite you to consider joining us on our journey.
The role:
• Ensure the charity and its subsidiaries comply with the charity’s governing document (Articles of Association), charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations.
• Ensure the charity pursues its objects as defined in its governing document.
• Ensure the charity applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objectives.
• Ensure the effective and efficient administration of the organisation, contribute actively to the board of trustees by giving strategic direction to Fire Fighters Charity, setting overall policy, defining goals, setting targets, and evaluating performance against these.
• Ensure the financial stability of the charity - protect and manage the charity, ensuring the proper investment of the charity’s funds.
• Safeguard the good name and values of Fire Fighters Charity and its subsidiaries. Principal trustee responsibilities:
In addition to these statutory duties, trustees should use any specific skills, knowledge or experience they have to help the Board make appropriate and timely decisions, for example by scrutinising performance information, leading discussions and dialogue about key issues, providing advice and steer, evaluating or offering advice on areas where a trustee may have particular expertise.
We are looking for individuals with strong personal commitment to Fire Fighters Charity’s work and objectives, and a desire to develop and promote the charity so that we can extend our reach and grow our impact.
We offer specialist, lifelong support for members of the UK fire services community, empowering individuals to live happier and healthier lives

The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
Founded in the Welsh Valleys in 2009, Tempo has emerged as a leading UK-based community development organisation committed to creating connected, fair, and healthier societies.
Our extensive history is marked by successful partnerships with communities and public services, specialising in front-line delivery, strategic planning, and fostering collaboration among diverse entities.
Our experienced team, composed of community practitioners, public sector specialists, and trainers, works collaboratively with citizens, communities, organisations, and services to co-produce solutions at the grassroots level. We work alongside communities to connect people to the causes close to them – enabling and encouraging participation and volunteering by awarding Time Credits that recognise and value skills and their contribution.
We focus on community engagement to create pathways to involvement and volunteering, emphasising community involvement and recognising people's skills and strengths – an approach that accentuates what's strong rather than what's wrong.
How Time Credits work
Time Credits are received by people sharing their time and skills with the community or a service. Time Credit ‘EARN’ activities could be anything from litter picking, campaigning, and participating in co-design sessions to volunteering at a food bank, theatre, or sports club.
Time Credits can be used on activities through Tempo’s local, regional, and national Recognition Partner network, from swimming in your local leisure centre to watching a show at Wales Millennium Centre or taking an Uber Boat down the Thames. Time Credits operate via a network of participating services, charities, community groups, and Recognition Partners.
We support organisations and services to develop opportunities for people to get involved and share their time and skills, and in exchange, they earn and use Time Credits, embedding reciprocity, asset-based, and co-production approaches. Working alongside citizens to work together to deliver change that is achievable through dedicated community development.
Our Trustee Board
Being a Tempo trustee is a role that is challenging, inspiring, engaging and it matters.
As a Trustee and Director, you will have collective accountability, with your Board colleagues, for overseeing Tempo’s governance and strategic direction. As an effective member of the Board, you will ensure Tempo pursues its vision and purpose, whilst complying with its governing document. You will work in partnership with our Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to support our staff, helping them achieve Tempo’s objectives.
Tempo is committed to promoting equality and diversity and promoting a culture that actively values difference and recognises that people from different backgrounds and experiences can bring valuable insights and enhance the way we work.
There are 4 Board meetings a year, generally for two hours in the early evening via Teams. We also have an annual awayday to take stock of the longer term and more strategic issues (in person in London or Cardiff). In addition, based on a Trustee’s own experiences and interests, each trustee is expected to engage with other board members and staff as required in-between meetings.
Specifically for the role of Treasurer
We’re looking for a passionate individual from any background who will complement the skills and backgrounds of our current Board of Trustees whilst providing additional financial assurance to the Trustees and guidance and support to the Chair and FD especially.
You will have a financial or accounting background and likely hold or have held responsible roles in Finance departments or similar. A recognised accounting qualification is preferred, but candidates who are equivalently qualified through experience will also be considered.
Some key aspects of this role are
- Chairing our Finance Audit and Risk Committee that meets virtually ahead of each board meeting, ensuing that the Committee and Trustee board are kept aware of all key matters
- Acting as a business partner to the Chair and liaising with our FD as a critical friend
- Providing financial insight and advice to the Board
You do not need to have been a trustee before if you do many of these things in your day job or have done them in your past and you have a passion for communities and our Vision, Mission and Purpose
Starting with a comprehensive induction and then through continued support, our current Treasurer, Chair and CEO will all help you understand the role and how you can play a positive and constructive part in shaping our future
Please refer our website for the full candidate pack and role description for further information.
How to apply
For an informal discussion about the role please contact Tempo’s CEO Rachel Gegeshidze.
To apply for these roles, please email your CV and supporting statement outlining your interest in his role and how you meet the role requirements specified in the role profile.
This role is advertised as part of TPP's Free Giving Back Services. This volunteer advertisement copy has been supplied to TPP and applicants apply direct to the organisation. Please contact the organisation directly if you have any questions about this volunteer role.
Opportunity to join this ambitious, environmental charity at a crucial time to bring your knowledge of planning and strategic thinking to support our new 5-year strategy, at a time where London's green spaces are under increasing threat.
About CPRE London
Our mission to make London a well-planned, greener, climate resilient and nature rich city, which benefits everyone.
Our vision is that by 2035 London has become a well-planned, climate resilient, nature rich city. It is surrounded by a flourishing Green Belt, with a ring of trees and other habitats. It has an expanding network of green spaces, which are well used by all. Streets are greener and encourage walking and cycling. Development includes more affordable, well-designed homes with good facilities nearby to reduce car dependency and support Londoners to live low carbon, healthy lives.
England’s leading countryside charity comprises a National Office and 42 local CPREs, each operating as a distinct charity. At a national level, CPRE campaigns for a beautiful and thriving countryside that is valued, enjoyed and accessible to everyone.
At CPRE London our focus in 2025 is on the following areas::
- Creating an M25 of trees around the capital London Tree Ring Project
- Highlighting the importance of the Green Belt in a climate and nature crisis
- Establishing 10 New Parks
- Expanding and strengthening London Friends of Green Space Network and GoParks London
These are in addition to our core case work supporting local campaigners stand up to threats to local green spaces and the environmental, health and well-being benefits these bring. More details about CPRE’s work is on our website.
Role of Trustee
The Trustee board is the principle governing body of CPRE London and is collectively responsible for the leadership and direction of the charity.
As a Trustee your role includes:
- Developing and overseeing implementation of our strategic plan to help us to deliver our vision.
- Offering independence, external perspective, skills and challenge
- Mentoring and supporting the staff and volunteers.
What we are seeking: Although keen to appoint dedicated Trustees offering a breadth of skills who share our aims, the Trustee board have identified key areas where specific knowledge and experience would be welcomed to complement the existing team:
Knowledge, skills and experience of housing policy and/or the planning system and planning law, relevant to ensuring that we encourage and influence planners and developers to maximise use of using housing stock, other buildings and brownfield sites in the creation of genuinely affordable housing, and that development is in line with our vision for London. Additional, useful background knowledge for any of our trustees includes:
- Technical knowledge of ecology / horticulture / forestry
- Experience with an environmental organisation or charity but this is not essential.
To best represent London’s diverse community on our Boards of Trustees and ensure all residents benefit from our green space advocacy, we welcome applicants from all backgrounds.
Commitment:Estimate 1-2 days per month plus 4 board meetings
The Trustee board meets four times a year at our London office in Farringdon with meetings starting at 18.00 and generally finishing by 20.00. There may be ad hoc commitments in between the board meetings. In the autumn, the Trustees and staff attend a one-day off-site strategy meeting in the Greater London area. Trustees are also encouraged to attend the AGM.
All Trustees usually serve a three-year term of office from election at the annual AGM and are eligible for re-election for up to a further three years.
What difference will you make?
Opportunity to contribute to our new strategic plan and help steer the direction of CPRE London for the next 5 years. Your chance to influence through teamwork: working with the Director, staff, and other trustees to ensure that the charity’s strategy is achieved and modified as necessary to embrace new ideas or changes in circumstances; optional involvement with our team of dedicated volunteers.
Deadline: 2nd April 2025
The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
Changeworks is seeking Trustees with leadership experience that demonstrates strong strategic thinking, an entrepreneurial mindset, and an understanding of the complexities of governance within the charitable sector.
The Organisation:
Changeworks has a long history of delivering significant impact. By working with individuals, households, businesses, and other organisations, it prevents hundreds of thousands of tonnes of carbon emissions from damaging the planet each year.
In 2020-21, Changeworks’ efforts resulted in a reduction of £2.2 million in heating and electricity bills for people, alongside the installation of over 3,000 energy efficiency measures in homes.
Changeworks’ fuel poverty advice service also makes a tangible difference. Each year, it removes over 200,000 tonnes of lifetime carbon, creating a lasting impact on both people’s lives and the environment.
To learn more about Changeworks’ work, visit the website: Changeworks
The Role:
The purpose of these roles is to serve as statutory Trustees, providing strategic leadership, guidance, and governance oversight of Changeworks and its subsidiary organisations. Board members act individually and collectively to support the organisation’s strategic direction, ensuring it delivers on its mission to decarbonise Scotland’s homes and uphold its environmental and social values.
Person Specification
Senior Leadership Experience:
We are looking for individuals with leadership experience that demonstrates strong strategic thinking, an entrepreneurial mindset, and an understanding of the complexities of governance in the charitable sector. This could include:
- Senior management, executive, or non-executive roles in mission-driven organisations
- Experience serving on boards or committees in any sector
- A track record of leading teams through organisational transformation and growth
- Experience working with diverse stakeholder groups, including but not limited to social housing, local government, or minority groups
- Strategic Growth and Risk Management:
Candidates should demonstrate expertise in at least one of the following areas:
- Driving or enabling organisational growth and development
- Understanding risk management in complex organisations
- Good governance in regulated organisations
- A proven record of success in purpose-driven organisations
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
Note: We are open to flexible / co-chairing arrangements. If you're interested in this option, please let us know in your application.
We’re passionate about making the countryside in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough a better place for everyone to enjoy. Our vibrant team of volunteers inspire people to care for the countryside and enjoy the benefits it brings wherever they live.
Volunteering with us is a fantastic way to help us champion environmental issues such as the climate emergency, renewable energy, biodiversity and sustainable transport.
With your support we can do even more! As chair of our board of trustees you’ll have an essential role in the development of our charity.
Our friendly team will provide you with training and support to develop in your role. You’ll gain valuable skills and experience in charity governance and leadership.
Why we want you
By volunteering with us you’ll be helping to find positive solutions for the issues facing the countryside and the environment. By applying your skills and experience you can make a real difference and be a central part of a friendly and passionate charity.
As chair you’ll provide leadership to our board of trustees and oversee the future direction and development of our charity. You’ll ensure the requirements of the constitution are met and that our governance complies with charity law and best practice.
We’re ideally looking for someone with leadership and charity board experience and a passion for environmental and countryside issues. Please look at our other opportunities to find one that’s right for you.
What you will be doing
- Providing strategic leadership to our charity and supporting fundraising, membership and engagement initiatives
- Ensuring our charity meets constitutional and governance requirements
- Ensuring the financial integrity and long-term sustainability of our charity
- Ensuring board and subgroup meetings and our AGM are held on a regular basis
- Building relationships and representing CPRE at community, council and partnership meetings
- Liaising with local CPREs, regional groups and national CPRE
- Supporting trustees and volunteers and identifying candidates for succession
- Safeguarding the good name and values of our charity
- Providing or arranging line management of any employees
- Advocating the work of CPRE through public speaking and media interviews
- Chairs also represent our charity by being the voting member at national CPRE
The skills you need
- A commitment to CPRE policies, brand, campaigns and initiatives
- Some previous experience in leadership, management and organisational development
- Good interpersonal skills with the ability to demonstrate diplomacy, impartiality, respect and confidentiality
- Previous experience of committee work- paid or voluntary
- Knowledge of environmental and countryside issues
- Knowledge of the charity sector including funding and governance
- Good written and verbal communication skills
- Experience of working with people from different backgrounds and abilities
- Be able to commit to volunteering regularly to suit your availability, including attendance at meetings
- We ask that all trustees are, or are willing to become, members of CPRE
What's in it for you
- Use your skills and experience to contribute to the success of our charity and make a positive difference to the countryside
- Meet like-minded people and enjoy being part of a team
- Enhance your CV by developing new skills and gaining valuable experience
- We’ll support you to develop in your volunteering role and provide you with relevant training
- We’ll give you a reference for your future work or volunteering
- Get involved with social events and workshops on a local and national level, including the annual CPRE conference
- The opportunity to attend CPRE's national online induction
- We provide out-of-pocket travel expenses
The Bat Conservation Trust (BCT) is proud to be the leading UK charity devoted solely to the conservation of bats and their habitats. BCT’s vision is a world rich in wildlife where bats and people thrive together. Our mission is to work collaboratively and with a diversity of people to protect bats and their habitats in an ever-changing world.
BCT is governed by a Board of Trustees (BoT), which comprises a maximum of fourteen Trustees. Included in this number are four officers (Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer). Trustees have a collective responsibility. This means that Trustees always act as a group and not as individuals. The BoT meets four times a year, currently one in-person meeting and three video conference meetings.
Our Trustees play a vital role in making sure that BCT achieves its core purpose. They oversee the wider management and administration of the charity. They also ensure that BCT has a clear strategy and that our work and goals are in line with our vision. Just as importantly, they support and challenge the Senior Management Team to enable BCT to grow and thrive, and through this, achieve our mission to work collaboratively and with a diversity of people to achieve resilient populations of bats and improve their habitats in an ever-changing world.
A Trustee must be willing to support and provide advice on BCT’s purpose, vision, strategy, governance and financial stability.
Please visit our website via the link to view more information on the role and how to apply.
The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
About Pain
Concern Pain Concern is a charity providing information and support to people with pain and those who care for them, whether family, friends or healthcare professionals. Visit our website to find out more about what we do, including our Airing Pain radio programme, Pain Matters magazine, information helpline, community pain education sessions and our research and campaigning work.
All pain is unpleasant, but for the 7.8 million people in the UK living with long-term pain it is a part of everyday life. It diminishes quality of life more than any other condition, leading often to loss of work, depression and disability. Anyone at any age can develop persistent pain and you will very probably know somebody affected. Although there is usually no cure, people who receive the appropriate treatment, information and support can manage their condition effectively with life changing results
Role purpose
The treasurer acts as a trustee of the charity, with additional responsibilities for overseeing the charities funds. Day to day bookkeeping is carried out in the office by the charity’s accounts clerks, using a Sage accounting package. Please note that for safeguarding purposes, the successful applicant will be required to undertake a PVG check. The cost of which will be covered by Pain Concern. This role reports into the Board of Trustees and works closely with the Charity’s Chair.
What you would be doing
• To monitor the financial administration of the charity and report to the board of trustees at regular (monthly) intervals.
• Overseeing the preparation of the accounts and annual financial statements.
• Leading the board in its duty to ensure that the financial accounts are kept in line with regulatory requirements and reports are filed with OSCR and Companies House.
• Leading in the development and implementation of charity’s reserves policies. • Overseeing the financial controls and adherence to systems.
• Acting as a counter signatory on cheques and online payments. • Board‐level liaison with the external scrutiniser of the accounts.
• Complete Trustee Induction training
• Complete Safeguarding training for Trustees
• Respond in a timely manner to trustee business conducted by email and attend any ad-hoc meetings (appropriate notice given)
Is this role right for me?
We are looking for an individual who possesses some, or all of the experiences, skills and qualities listed below:
• Lived experience/interest in chronic pain or chronic conditions
• Qualifications in either accountancy, finance and/or business studies.
• Experience in an accountancy role
• Ability to handle sensitive information with confidentiality and professionalism.
• A working understanding of IT, Microsoft Office and Microsoft Teams Commitment and location
• Attend 1-2hr online evening meetings 4-6 times per year
• Volunteer from your own location
Benefits to you
• Opportunity to meet new people
• Experience volunteering as part of a friendly team
• Satisfaction of supporting a valuable service in the community
How do I apply?
Please complete the application form on our website
The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
Following a change to our Articles concerning the composition of our Board, the successful candid could be the first Trustee in the 60-year history of the British Wheel of Yoga to be drawn from outside the membership, as part of our commitment to increasing the skills base and diversity of our Board.
We have a high-performing staff finance team so this is not a “nuts and bolts” Treasurer role where you are required to do the book keeping. Instead you will be the key link between the finance team and the Board as you lead your fellow Trustees in the performance of their fiduciary duties and engagement with the charity’s finances.
Key requirements include:
- Good knowledge, understanding and experience of charity and company finance, accounting requirements and procedures
- Good knowledge and understanding of the regulators’ (Charity Commission, Registrar of Companies) requirements regarding charity and company finance and reporting
- The ability to be an effective member of the Board team and its finance sub-committee (which you will chair), thinking strategically and working cooperatively.
- The ability and willingness to commit sufficient time to fulfil the role effectively.
Meeting schedule:
- Quarterly Board meetings in March, June, September and December
- Financial Planning Workshop in May
- The above meetings are all held via Zoom
- In person Board Retreat (January). A 24-hour residential event which gives an opportunity for Trustees to get to know each other and do some strategic thinking and planning.
With the exception of the Board Retreat, this is a fully remote role that would suit candidates from anywhere in the UK.
The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
Tender aims to prevent domestic abuse and sexual violence by educating children and young people about the issues through creative projects. Our programmes are safe, enjoyable, and age-appropriate which allow people to engage with sensitive topics and “rehearse” for real-life scenarios. Participants are encouraged to learn through script-work, role-play and creative media such as films and art. Throughout, we enable young people to explore their choices, rights and expectations in relationships and to recognise the early warning signs of abuse.
Our Trustees are vital to us, setting the strategy for the organisation, ensuring its financial stability and offering insights that help us to ask and answer questions. The Board of Trustees lead and control Tender and are responsible for its governance, policy and affairs. Trustees have responsibilities under charity and company law, and also under Tender’s Memorandum and Articles of Association, for directing the affairs of the organisation, ensuring that it is solvent, well run and delivers Tender’s objects. The day-to-day running of the charity is delegated to the CEO and the Senior Leadership Team.
All trustees are expected to:
- Safeguard and promote the reputation, vision, mission and values of Tender
- Ensure the charity complies with its governing documents, relevant legislation and regulatory requirements
- Determine the overall strategic direction and development of Tender, by agreeing organisational polices, budgets and objectives, and to ensure targets are set and performance is measured against those targets
- Contribute any specific skills, knowledge, and experience which they may have to help the Board of Trustees reach sound decisions
- Ensure the effective and efficient administration of Tender and its financial stability
- Ensure that key risks are being identified, monitored and controlled effectively
- As requested by the Chair, represent the Chair of the Board at functions and events, and lead or be a member of committees/panels/groups
- Collectively own and hold the Board to account for its decisions and activities, ensuring the avoidance of any personal conflict of interest
- Provide support and challenge to Tender’s CEO in the exercise of their delegated authority and affairs
- Engage with volunteers, Patrons and other beneficiaries to keep informed about the organisation's activities and wider issues that affect Tender's work
- Attend Board meetings, adequately prepared to contribute to discussions
What we are looking for
We look for the following qualities in all trustees:
- An interest in and commitment to the mission, values and vision of Tender
- The ability to think and act strategically
- Leadership, communication and influencing skills
- Sound independent judgement and integrity
- An understanding of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship, or a willingness to learn (we will provide training and guidance on charity governance if you do not have previous experience)
- A strong personal commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion
- The ability to inspire trust and confidence in people
- A willingness and ability to devote the necessary time and effort to prepare for and attend board and committee meetings, including remaining in the role for a minimum term of two years
For trustees with communications experience, we are also looking for:
- Experience in developing or implementing communications strategies
- Experience of building communications capacity within a growing organisation
- Knowledge of crisis communications management
- An ability to use communications to aid the diversification of our fundraising
For trustees with policy and influencing experience, we are looking for:
- Knowledge of UK politics and parliamentary processes
- Knowledge of policy areas and governmental departments relevant to Tender, in particular Education, Health and Home Office
- Experience of developing and promoting policy and campaign strategies for an organisation, and creating effective public affairs influencing strategies
- Experience of engaging with stakeholder at different levels of government (Parliament, civil service, local authority) to influence policy decisions
The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
Using Anonymous Recruitment
This organisation is using Anonymous Recruitment to reduce bias in the first stages of the hiring process. Submit your application as normal and our system will anonymise it for you. Your personal information will be hidden until the recruiter contacts you.
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
The Finance Trustee will participate in all areas of our governance but take a special interest in the financial strategy and governance. They will use their sound financial skills and experience to support the Board’s understanding and interpretation and to ensure legislative compliance. Knowledge of UK wide midwifery provision would also be an advantage but not essential.
The Finance Trustee will support the Board to oversee the financial matters of the charity in line with good practice, the Articles of Association and legal requirements, The Finance Trustee will ensure that effective financial measures, controls and procedures are put in place and are appropriate for the charity.
The Finance Trustee should adhere to the role description of a trustee and in addition has the following key responsibilities:
To support the Board to oversee and to ensure appropriate presentation of budgets, accounts, management accounts and financial statements.
To ensure appropriate presentation of accounts and records, ensuring that financial resources are spent in accordance with the charity’s policies, good governance, legal and regulatory requirements.
Liaising, where applicable, with the Chair or other appropriate members of staff and supporting on financial matters
Supporting the Board to monitor the financial viability of the charity.
Creating in conjunction with relevant trustees and staff sound financial processes and procedures for the control of the charity’s assets.
Advising on the financial implications of the charity’s strategic plan.
Reviewing the annual accounts are, where applicable, liaising with the charity’s external bookkeeper to ensure the accounts are compliant with the current charities’ SORP.
Ensuring that sound financial management is maintained and ensuring expenditure is in line with the charity’s objects.
Authorisation of charity expenditure and banking transactions set up on online bank accounts
Liaison with the fund manager responsible for the charity’s investment portfolio - we are currently working towards an ethical investment portfolio and the Finance Trustee is leading on this
Oversight of payroll, HMRC reporting and operation of auto-enrolment pension scheme for all members of staff
The Finance Trustee will be need to attend the following meetings (all meetings with the exception of the October AGM/Board meeting are held online)
2 Board meetings (March and October - which is the AGM/Board meeting)
1 business meeting held in the summer
3 Finance sub committee meetings held approximately 10 days before the Board/Business meetings
The Finance Trustee also sits on the newly established Fundraising Sub Committee (meeting schedule to be agreed).
Desirable skills (trustee)
Make your own views known and make decisions in a group environment, in line with strategic objectives
Listen intently, carefully and objectively
Finance Trustee additional criteria
Financial Planning, Budgeting, and accounting qualification
Expertise in Finance and relevant regulations
Experience working with non-profit organizations or government entities is a plus, but not necessary
Personal Integrity
Excellent written and verbal communication skills
Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
Convey ideas, information and opinions clearly and concisely
Work as a team with the chair, fellow board members and members of staff
Challenge the views of others appropriately
Commitment and ability to work and effectively as a member of a team.
Please apply with a cv and a covering letter outlining your interest in this role and how you meet the criteria we are looking for
Our mission is to increase the number of midwives and student midwives supported by our sustainably and ethically financed annual awards programme
Actively Interviewing
This organisation is scheduling interviews as applications come in. They're ready to hire as soon as they find the right person. Don't miss your opportunity, apply now!
Could you lead the local SSAFA services in your area? You don’t need a military background for this role, but you should be empathic to the needs of the armed forces community, have some experience of managing people and possess good I.T. skills. If this sounds like you, we’d love to hear from you.
What is a Branch Chair?
There are SSAFA branches throughout the UK and overseas. Many are further divided into local areas called divisions. Each branch has a Chair to oversee all aspects of the branch. Ultimately accountable to the Chair of the Board of Trustees, through the National Chairman your role is to ensure that the branch is running in line with SSAFA’s Royal Charter Rules, Regulations, and policies. Also, to ensure that clients and volunteers are safe, all services provided are appropriate and effective and that the branch is financially sound. You will be the public face of SSAFA in your branch area.
Why do we need you?
We’ve been supporting the Armed Forces community since 1885. Our clients come from all backgrounds and age groups and may have served in WW2 or in a more recent conflict like the Falklands or Afghanistan. More people than ever are contacting SSAFA for financial, practical and emotional support. To do this we need local branches and volunteers who can coordinate people, ensure the local population know about SSAFA and keep things running smoothly behind the scenes.
Our branches support local volunteers to deliver services to veterans, serving personnel and their families. Some branches are divided into smaller divisions to ensure the best local service delivery. Each branch has a team of volunteer caseworkers, support volunteers, executive roles, and fundraisers.
When would you be needed and where would you be based?
This role is about leadership, coordination, and administration. As part of your local branch, you might have access to an office, but many volunteers are based at home. The role requires an ongoing time commitment, usually about 2-3 days per month. In addition, you would need to organise and attend regular meetings throughout the year.
What would you be doing?
- Providing leadership to the Branch and ensuring that all activities comply with SSAFA regulations both directly, and through the Branch Secretary, other Branch Officers, and Divisional Officers.
- Providing support and guidance to volunteers in office holder roles, and support with recruitment of volunteers into these positions to ensure the sustainability of the branch.
- Ensuring the financial integrity of the Branch, including the appointment of Treasurers and a local fundraising programme to meet branch running costs.
- Ensuring that all data is processed and held in accordance with SSAFA’s data management policies.
- Monitoring volunteer numbers against the demand for support and working with other volunteers, regional and central office staff to attract and recruit new volunteers as required.
- Ensuring that all volunteers are recruited, inducted, supported, and managed in line with SSAFA policies, such as the Volunteering Policy, Volunteer Code of Conduct, Data Protection Policy, and Safeguarding Policy.
- Building relationships with regional and central office staff, local voluntary organisations and, if applicable, SSAFA Service committees, local military establishments, prisons etc.
- Overseeing an appropriate programme of awareness raising so that potential clients, volunteers, and supporters know how to contact the branch.
- Providing timely reports and information to SSAFA’s Central Office
- Overseeing a programme of meetings including an AGM, branch meetings, committee meetings, training etc.
- Supporting any salaried branch staff and ensuring that their line management arrangements are working appropriately.
- Resolve any complaints that are suitable for local resolution in accordance with SSAFA’s Complaints Policy and procedures, referring upwards any that are not suitable for local resolution.
The remit of this role may change over the next 12-18 months depending on the outcome of a trial currently being undertaken.
What could you gain from this volunteering role?
- Gain experience of holding a key local role with oversight of all SSAFA activity in the local area
- Use your skills, knowledge, and life experience to benefit others.
- Support from your local SSAFA branch and the wider SSAFA community
- Experience, training, and skills that you can highlight on your CV and in job interviews.
- Better physical and mental health – studies show that volunteers live longer and experience lower levels of stress and depression!
What training and support would you receive?
- Role specific training to prepare you for your voluntary role – caseworker training, caseworker IT system training, volunteer management – attracting, recruiting, and inducting volunteers.
- Mandatory on-line training modules to complete at home, so you are up to date on how to keep clients, their families safe and personal information safe.
- Local orientation as well as meet and greet sessions with key Central Office and regional teams.
- Access to a range additional e-learning courses as well as local opportunities for your personal and professional development.
- Support from Regional and central staff and peer support from fellow Chairs in neighbouring branches.
- Reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses
- Volunteers will be covered by SSAFAs Public Liability Insurance whilst carrying out the role.
What are we looking for?
- Friendly and approachable people of any age (18+) with some experience of coordinating people and admin
- Willingness and ability to lead and manage a team of volunteers.
- Respectful and non-judgemental approach with beneficiaries, their family, other agencies and SSAFA colleagues
- Willingness and ability to learn basic digital skills. Ability to send and receive emails – you will receive your own SSAFA email address which you will be required to use when exercising your role.
- Willingness to use our on-line case management system (this is covered in the training course)
- Ability to understand and keep within the boundaries of the role for which training will be given.
- Reliability
- Practice confidentiality and data protection in line with SSAFA policies.
- Willingness and means to travel to meetings or events as required.
- Good written and spoken English.
We welcome volunteers of all backgrounds, abilities, races, sexual orientations, socio-economic backgrounds, and of all faiths and none. SSAFA are committed to making reasonable adjustments to support volunteers with disabilities, so they have access to the same opportunities and experiences as volunteers who do not.
Minimum Age: 18
Safer Recruitment: SSAFA undertakes a systematic approach and utmost care at every step of the process of volunteer recruitment, selection, and retention to ensure that those recruited are suitable and appropriate. Measures taken at points along this journey work together to make volunteering at SSAFA a positive and safe experience.
References Required: Yes. We will ask for two character references, this can be a former employer or someone that know you well (other than a relative)
Is a criminal record check required? No
The client requests no contact from agencies or media sales.
BuDS’ visionary aim is to abolish disability by building a world which is Fair4All, free of the barriers which disable people.We are on an exciting journey to become a national charity, expanding our reach and impact across England. By 2025-26, this transformation will be complete, marked by a name change to ‘BuDS Disability Service’ and a shift to Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) status.
The role of Co-Secretary will be pivotal for the charity as it moves forward. We have decided to recruit Co-Secretaries because we recognise that the role will be easier to manage if divided between two individuals. The Co-Secretaries will be Trustees of BuDS and will need to embody our values and ethos.
What Does the Role Entail?
The role of Co-Secretary is expected to involve a time commitment of around 2.5-3 hours per week, a combined total of 5-6 hours between the two post-holders. BuDS works remotely and flexibly using Microsoft Teams, so much of the work can be done at your own pace at times which suit you best. Meetings are kept to a minimum as all the Trustees are busy people.
Working closely with the Co-Chairs and Co-Treasurers, and split between the two CoSecretaries, the four key responsibilities will be:
1.The running of the Trustee Board & its meetings
2.Arranging the Annual General Meeting and curating the Annual Report
3.Liaison with the Charity Commission
4.Supporting the move to a Charitable Incorporated Organisation
What Experience & Skills Are Needed?
These are the skills and experience we think are needed for this role, divided between the two Co-Secretaries. We are keen to develop people’s knowledge and skills through training and mentoring.
Experience and knowledge of supporting meetings and decision-making
Can use Microsoft Office 365 applications for remote working
A flexible, positive, problem-solving and organised approach to tasks
Commitment to the social model of disability
Lived experience as a disabled person Lives in England
Understanding of charity governance and the role of charity secretary.
Knowledge about Charitable Incorporated Organisations