Forward Funding

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About us

Who we are

Forward Funding is a charity at set up stage that works with people who are neurodivergent to find or create a suitable working environment as well as fund private diagnosis for developmental, physical and mental health conditions through fundraising activity and working with other organisations to create inclusive, neurodiverse workspaces (workspaces that are adaptable for people who are both neurodivergent and neurotypical).

Our culture and values

At Forward Funding, we feel it is really important to work collaboratively and inclusively, to ensure workspaces are available for people who are that are neurodiverse, inclusive of people who are neurodiverse and neurotypical, giving equity for all.

We feel that the state system is failing many people who need diagnosis of developmental, physical and mental health conditions to move forward or to find the support they need in life, as well as operations, medication, etc. We want to create a world where everyone is supported depending on their individual needs and allowed to be creative in a way that suits each person.


Openness - we are open to discussing the needs of each person and adapting the working environment to be inclusive for all. We always have open discussions and accept the different thought processes of everyone, embracing change opportunities when recognised.


Fair - we feel the current system for health care in the UK is unfair, it relies heavily on initial self diagnosis but makes it extremely difficult for you to move past self diagnosis. We want this to change.


Creative - we are creative in our thinking, not looking at what the world offers us now, but what the world could be in the future.


Brave - we are bold in our openness and tell the world what we need and do all we can individually to force that change in the future.


Equality, diversity and inclusion policy

The very basis and purpose of Forward Funding is that we are inclusive, we thrive on working in a diverse team and want everyone to be included.

We will never make a decision based on anything other than the potential of a person, not just their current skills, knowledge or confidence level but what, with support and being part our team, that person can bring to the organisation.

We feel equity is the most important aspect of our working environment, no matter what starting point someone is at, we will, as a team, work with everyone to ensure everyone in our organisation to ensure they have the same opportunities and not compete against each other in a way that does not take in to account everyone's individual needs.


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