Feed UK

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About us

Who we are

The charity that puts women and families at the heart of infant feeding, bottles, boobs or tubes.

Our culture and values

Our Vision: Our vision is a world where every woman has the freedom to make informed decisions in infant feeding, and is supported to exercise the choices that are right for her and her family. 

Our Mission: Our mission is to eliminate all barriers to women and families' choices in infant feeding wherever they may exist, both practical and systemic. We do not promote any form of feeding over another. We will amplify women’s voices, ensuring their experiences shape policies and support frameworks to meet their needs. We will ensure women have access to unbiased information and advice to support their choices. Through our advocacy, campaigning, and support for research, we will drive meaningful change, address the challenges women face, including food insecurity and inequality, and ensure every woman can make the decision on infant feeding that is right for her, her baby and her family. We believe women are the ones best placed to make those choices and we trust them to do so. 


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