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Cottington Close Resident Management Board

Company size Size: 6 - 10

About us

Who we are

A Tenant Management Organisation (TMO) is an organisation set up under the UK Government’s Housing (Right to Manage) Regulations 1994, which allow residents of council housing or housing association homes in the UK to take over responsibility for the running of their homes.

Cottington Close TMC became a corporate body and annually elected a management committee to run the body. This body then entered into a formal legal contract with Lambeth, known as the Management Agreement.

The Management Agreement details precisely which services are managed by the TMO on behalf of the landlord. Our management include day-to-day repairs, allocations and lettings, tenancy management, cleaning and caretaking, and rent collection. The TMO’s operations are funded by the management fees payable by Lambeth under the agreement.

Cottington Close TMC changed its name to Cottington Close Resident Management Organisation (RMO) to encompass not just Lambeth Council tenants but leaseholders and other residents on the estate.

Our culture and values

Our Mission Statement

‘To deliver excellent resident focused housing services and services that contributes to the invigoration and cohesion of our community’

Our Vision

‘A clean green and safe place we are proud to call home, with a thriving community where every voice counts’

Equality, diversity and inclusion policy


 Equality and Diversity Policy Statement


Cottington Close RMO is committed to ensuring:


•       There is equality of opportunity in terms of access to our services

•       The provision of services reflects and meets the needs of the diverse communities which we serve

•        Staff and applicants are treated fairly in recruitment, selection, terms and

conditions of employment, training and promotion

•       The profile of our Board reflects the diversity of the communities which we serve

•       We have a workforce which reflects the diversity of the communities which

we serve


CCRMO is aware that some groups or individuals may experience discrimination and disadvantage due to a protected characteristic. It is our intention to address this through positive measures where possible.

Our equality and diversity commitments help us comply with UK Equalities legislation and help us to take into account peoples' specific needs so as to ensure that no individual or group is disadvantaged by any of our policies, procedures or practice.



Equality protects people from being discriminated against on the grounds of the protected characteristics identified in the Equality Act 2010


Diversity recognises and values the differences between individuals - in our workforce, our tenants

and residents and Board Members


 •      The CCRMO Board is responsible for ensuring delivery of this policy.

•       The Manager and staff are responsible for ensuring that all aspects of the policy are properly applied and implemented through their own actions and behaviours.

•       We will share our policy with job applicants, our tenants and residents, contractors and partner agencies.

•       We will explain the standards set in this policy and we expect everyone to act in accordance with it at all times.

Regulatory/Legal Framework

The Equality Act 2010 seeks to tackle unlawful discrimination against a person or groups or people based on one or more of the following protected characteristics:

•                 Age

•                 Disability

•               Gender re-assignment

•                Marriage and civil partnership

•                Pregnancy and maternity

•                Race

•               Religion

•               Sex

•               Sexual orientation

In addition, the Equality Act requires organisations to make reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of disabled employees and users of their services.

The Equality Act also places a duty on all organisations to have 'due regard' to:

•                Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act.

•                Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

•                Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic

and those who do not.Our Equal Opportunities Policy also incorporates our duties under the_Human Rights Act 1998, Data Protection Act 1998 and Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.


 CCRMO is committed to embedding equality into all of our functions. In particular we want to promote equality and diversity in the following areas of our work:

•                Governance

•                Access to housing

•                The provision of housing management and maintenance services

•                Resident involvement

•                Recruitment, employment and training

•                Procurement

•                Partnerships

•                Work on cohesion and social exclusion

CCRMO will promote this policy in a number of ways to ensure that everyone connected with the TMO is aware of our commitments and what is expected of them. For example, we will publicise the policy via our website, leaflets, newsletters, events and as part of our partnership work.

We will collect relevant data on the protected characteristics, communication requirements and other needs of our residents, our staff, our board members and our contractors. We will use this data to help us meet our residents' needs better, to plan future provision and to monitor our performance against our equality related targets and key performance indicators.

Some examples of how we will put our commitments into practice include:

•                Ensuring that this policy will be reflected in our governance arrangements

•                Incorporating equality and diversity into our business plan, ensuring it feeds into all aspects of continuous improvement

•                Ensuring we collect data to help us understand the individual specific needs of applicants and residents

•                 Communicating with residents and service users in ways which are most

appropriate for them

•                Taking prompt and effective action to deal with any form of unfair discrimination, bullying or harassment

•                Providing a supportive environment so that all our residents and service users have the opportunity to contribute to the provision and improvement of services

•                Ensuring recruitment and selection processes are conducted in a fair manner

•                Ensuring that contractors' service delivery and employment practices are consistent with CCRMO's equality commitments.


Equalities duties will be monitored by the Estate Manager and the CCRMO Board. An annual progress report will be submitted to the Board.

The policy will be reviewed every three years or whenever there is a significant

change to the legal and regulatory framework.

Cottington Close RMO

 Equality and Diversity Policy


Cottington Close RMO is committed to ensuring:

•       There is equality of opportunity in terms of access to our services

•       The provision of services reflects and meets the needs of the diverse communities which we serve

•       Staff and applicants are treated fairly in recruitment, selection, terms and conditions of employment, training and promotion

•       The profile of our Board reflects the diversity of the communities which we serve

•        We have a workforce which reflects the diversity of the communities which we serve


 CCRMO is aware that some groups or individuals may experience discrimination and disadvantage due to a protected characteristic. It is our intention to address this through positive measures where possible.

Our equality and diversity commitments help us comply with UK Equalities legislation and help us to take into account peoples' specific needs so as to ensure that no individual or group is disadvantaged by any of our policies, procedures or practice.





Equality protects people from being discriminated against on the grounds of the protected

characteristics identified in the Equality Act 2010


Diversity recognises and values the differences between individuals - in our workforce, our tenants and residents and Board Members















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Cottington Close Resident Management Board £40,000 - £46,000 per year London, Greater London (On-site)
Closing 12 July 2024
Cottington Close Resident Management Board 32,000 London, Greater London (On-site)
Closing 12 July 2024