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Wyre Forest Citizens Advice

A local charity providing free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities.

Organisation type Registered Charity Company size 21 - 50
Website address Facebook link

About us

Who we are

Citizens Advice is a charity dedicated to providing free, confidential, and impartial advice to help people overcome their problems. We empower individuals to take control of their lives, offering support on a wide range of issues such as debt, housing, employment, and more. Citizens Advice Wyre Forest is a local, registered charity operated as a company limited by guarantee.

We give advice on: Benefits/Charitiable Support & Foodbanks/Consumer goods and services/Debt/Educatins/Employment/Financial services & capability/ GVA & Hate crime/ Health & Community Care/ Housing/ Immigration & asylum/ Legal/Relationships and family/ Tax/ Travel & transport/ Utilities & Communication

Our culture and values

Who we are

  • A local charity
  • Staffed mostly by volunteers
  • Supporting local people

Our aims

  • To provide the advice people need for the problem they face.
  • To improve the policies and practices that affect people's lives

Our principles

  • Citizens Advice Wyre Forest provides free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities.
  • We value diversity, promote equality and challenge discrimination.



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Wyre Forest Citizens Advice Unpaid role, expenses not paid Kidderminster, Worcestershire (Hybrid)
Closing 28 February 2025