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With Insight Education

To advance the educational and professional prospects of black-heritage students so that society is an accurate reflection of the talent available.

Organisation type Registered Charity Company size 6 - 10
Website address Linkedin link X (Twitter) link

About us

Who we are

With Insight Education seeks to advance the educational and professional prospects of black heritage students so that society is an accurate reflection of the potential available.  We provide highly impactful mentoring and skill development programmes that empower our students to have a more prosperous future. A future where they have improved access to top universities, professional employment and opportunities for social mobility.

Since 2018, we have helped over 1,000 black heritage students to find their voice, develop transferable skills and equip them with the contacts and resources they need to get into higher education, navigate university life successfully and fulfil their potential.



Our culture and values

Our work is guided by our values:

Life changing: It is crucial to us that we make a difference, so we are unapologetically focused about who we target our transformational programme at.

Barrier busting: We are determined to remove the perceptual and structural barriers that Black students face in progressing to top-tier universities.  This focus shapes our programme offering.

Credible: We are passionate about research and evaluation and enthusiastically embrace insights that will help us to improve our offering.   

Nurturing: We care deeply about the many relationships that we hold.  We treat everyone with respect, consideration and strive to make every interaction feel personable. 

As a small charity, it is expected that all of our staff are highly committed to helping us to achieve our mission.  Therefore, we don’t operate an atmosphere of micro-management.  Instead, our working relationships are built on mutual trust.


Equality, diversity and inclusion policy

Equity of opportunity and inclusion sits at the heart of everything that we do. 

We welcome working partnerships from anyone, regardless of race, age, gender, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, marital or disability status. What is essential is that those that we collaborate with care about the issue of tackling the disparity in the progression of black-heritage pupils to top universities and the world of professional employment.



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With Insight Education Unpaid role, expenses not paid Remote
Closing 05 March 2025