West Silvertown Foundation

Organisation type Registered Charity Company size 6 - 10
Website address

About us

Who we are

The vision of West Silvertown Foundation is of a vibrant, integrated community where ambitions are realised and friendships thrive. We want to enable our diverse community to connect and thrive, through a range of shared experiences, projects and activities.
We manage Britannia Village Hall, providing activities for children and families, youth and community groups. We have 3 main community projects:
Children and families – we have several weekly activities for under 5s and their carers, as well as after school activities for children and focused groups for children with SEND and their families.
Youth – we run a range of activities for 10-19 year olds, including after school and evening clubs, holiday activities, leadership programmes and mentoring.
Adults – we offer a variety of support and activities from adults. Our support includes a food pantry, ESOL classes and free advocacy, and we have social activities such as coffee mornings, salsa classes and gardening.
As well as running our own activities, we facilitate community use by other groups, including a nursery, after school childcare and faith groups.
We work in close partnership with other local stakeholders, including schools, management authorities and developers, to create a thriving and integrated community in West Silvertown.
To find out more, visit our website: www.wsfroyaldocks.org





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