Umbrella Derby & Derbyshire banner

Umbrella Derby & Derbyshire

Enable disabled children and young people to realise their full potential in an integrated society.

Organisation type Registered Charity Company size 51 - 100
Website address Linkedin link Facebook link

About us

Who we are


Umbrella is a local charity with centres at Umbrella House Mackworth and The Annie Hall Centre in Derby. We have been running since 1986 and we are currently supporting over 1,700 families in Derby and Derbyshire.

We are able to support a child or young adult no matter what their disability.

We support children and young people up to the age of 30 with any additional needs, including physical, sensory, learning, and behavioural disabilities. We are able to support a child or young person no matter what their disability as our services are person-centred to meet individual needs.

Umbrella enables disabled children and young adults to realise their full potential.

  • We empower parents and carers, supporting them in their care of their disabled child or young adult.
  • We provide exciting, stimulating activities for children and young adults which encourage the development of skills, whilst having fun.
  • We give disabled children and young adults opportunities that non-disabled children take for granted.

Our culture and values



Making sure that we reach out and involve people from every group and community.

Quality Driven

Aspiring to excellence in everything we do, always acting in a professional manner.


Always acting with integrity and treating everyone with respect, dignity and fairness.


Enabling others to make a meaningful contribution and realise their potential.



Umbrella’s vision is to enable disabled children and young people to realise their full potential in an integrated society. Provide best practice in empowering parents and carers of disabled children, young people and young adults.

Provide high quality services which are safe, secure and conducive to personal development.

Influence society so that disabled children and young people are fully included in all aspects of society, recognised for their abilities.

By pursuing these goals together, we will reduce the impact of disability on families today and create a fully inclusive world tomorrow.

Equality, diversity and inclusion policy

Umbrella Derby and Derbyshire are committed to providing a fair and considerate work environment, but also as an organisation that provides care to young vulnerable individuals, we ensure our commitment to equality and encouragement of diversity is also followed through in the services we deliver.


As an employer

  • To create an environment in which individual differences and the contributions of all our staff are recognised and valued
  • Every employee is entitled to a working environment that promotes dignity and respect to all. No form of bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination will be tolerated
  • Training, development and progression opportunities are available to all staff
  • To promote equality in the workplace 
  • We will review all our employment practices and procedures to ensure fairness

As a service provider

  • To create an environment where disabled children, young people and young adults are respected for their abilities
  • To work with wider society and providers to create as many opportunities for disabled children and young people to integrate into mainstream activities
  • To work to reduce barriers experienced by disabled children and young people.


We offer the following benefits for paid jobs.

Employee discounts

Employee discounts

Access to Blue light card

Free tea and coffee

Free tea and coffee

Training opportunities

Training opportunities

Enhanced pension

Enhanced pension

Pension available



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