UHCW Charity is the charity for both hospitals within University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust - University Hospital, Coventry and The Hospital of St Cross, Rugby
The Trust treats almost 500,000 patients a year in two locations - University Hospital, Coventry and the Hospital of St Cross, Rugby which includes many regional centres of excellence including for cancer, diabetes, neonatal and trauma care.
UHCW Charity raises money to help provide the best possible care for patients and their families, now and in the future. This support helps to fund world class equipment, and innovative treatments; supports vital research and provide extra support that the NHS cannot afford.
We are independent to the NHS bodies we support, acting solely for public benefit; as such we are registered with the Charity Commission. Our registered charity name is University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust Charity and the registered charity number 1058516.