The Social Research Association

The SRA is the membership and training organisation for social researchers in the UK and beyond, with over 1500 members from across the profession.

Organisation type Registered Charity Company size 6 - 10
Website address

About us

Who we are

The Social Research Association (SRA) promotes excellence in social research.  It was founded in 1978 and became a registered charity in 2008.

The SRA is the membership organisation for social researchers in the UK and beyond, with over 1500 individual members from across the profession.  They work in universities, government, research agencies large and small, charities, and individual consultancies

It supports researchers via:

•   Training: short courses in a wide range of research methods and approaches
•   Guidance:  good practice guides on research ethics, GDPR (with MRS), commissioning and more
•   Publications: Research Matters quarterly magazine; the SRA Journal; the Blog, and newsletter – all freely available
•   Research Ethics:  our focus includes a volunteer-led Forum for members with ethical dilemmas
•   Events: webinars, early careers panels, and the annual conference
•   Branches in Scotland, Wales and the North
•   Careers: guidance for new researchers, and a jobs board
•   Initiatives in key areas, such as this research hub on diversity and inclusion among social researchers



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