The Purple Elephant Project

Organisation type Registered Charity Company size 11 - 20
Website address

About us

Who we are

About The Purple Elephant Project The Purple Elephant Project is a registered charity based in Greater London, providing therapeutic interventions for children and young people in need; helping to alleviate mental health distress by working through challenging and traumatic early life events.

Using various forms of Play and Art Therapy (a form of child psychotherapy), the team of highly specialist therapists help children express themselves in response to mental[1]health related behaviours and symptoms, such as aggression, regression, school[1]refusal, acting-out, anxiety, disordered eating, etc. Interventions are provided via outreach in schools, and at the fully equipped therapeutic centre in Twickenham.

The Purple Elephant Project fills a vital gap in local provision, offering a collective level of professional therapeutic experience and qualifications. All our therapists are BAPT (British Association of Play Therapists) or BAAT) British Association of Art Therapists) registered, and also hold expertise in specialist areas such as adoption support and social care. The charity supports the community by striving to ensuring that all children, no matter their circumstances, can access the support they need, when they need it, thus bringing communities together and addressing problems at the earliest opportunity.

The Purple Elephant Project is a small but fast-growing organisation, which throughout its first years, has weathered the pandemic, and has demonstrated robustness in adapting and growing despite these challenges. To date, we have delivered over 4000 therapy sessions to children in need. Further information on our Charity can be found by visiting www.thepurpleelephantproject.or



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The Purple Elephant Project £22,000 - £25,666 per annum (£30,000 - £35,000 FTE) Twickenham, Greater London (On-site)
Closing 21 February 2025

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