About us
Who we are
The Inter Faith Network for the UK (IFN) was founded in 1987 to “advance public knowledge and mutual understanding of the teachings, traditions and practices of the different faith communities in Britain, including an awareness both of their distinctive features and their common ground and to promote good relations between persons of different faiths.” IFN’s role is unique: linking national faith community representative bodies, local, regional and national inter faith organisations and academic and educational bodies with a focus on inter faith or multi-faith issues and working with them to deepen inter faith understanding and cooperation as part of working for the common good.
IFN carries out its work through raising awareness within wider society of the importance of inter faith issues, creating opportunities for linking and sharing of good practice, and providing advice and information to help the development of new inter faith initiatives and the strengthening of existing ones. IFN works for the public benefit and its wide ranging activity touches the lives of many thousands of people directly and through the organisations and initiatives with which it engages. Working with its member bodies is an important part of this. Each of those makes its own contribution to inter faith understanding and cooperation in the UK.
Inter Faith Week, which takes place in November each year, is a programme of the Inter Faith Network for the UK.