About us
Who we are
The objects of the CIO are:
the relief of poverty in Herefordshire and the surrounding area through the provision of emergency food parcels containing basic nutritional foods and other basic amenities, founded on the Christian principle that humanity should “love your neighbour as yourself”.
What the Organisation Does
The Hereford Food Bank is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) with a management committee elected from its members.
It is committed to the relief of poverty in Herefordshire and the surrounding area through the provision of emergency food parcels containing basic nutritional foods and other basic amenities.
The Food Bank operates principally through referrals from agencies, churches and certain individuals who are aware of the needs of the people they are supporting and believe that a food parcel is appropriate
Our Vision
The provision of food parcels to those recipients deemed to be in emergency need arising from, for example, homelessness, psychiatric breakdown or delayed benefit payments. We do not wish to create dependence and we work on the premise that the Food Bank is intended to help individuals or families over the crisis until they get back on their feet.
Our Mission Statement
Working with the community to provide hungry people with food and engaging in the fight to end hunger and poverty.
Our Values
The Food Bank operates according to Christian principles and is founded on the belief that humanity should “love your neighbour as yourself”.
The Food Bank should be an enjoyable environment for volunteers and members that provides an opportunity for people of all faiths and beliefs to work in harmony.