The CRH Charitable Trust

Organisation type Registered Charity
Website address

About us

Who we are

The Trust is a registered charity, number 213579. The Trust’s governing document is Statutory Instrument 2006 No.921. This introduced a Parliamentary Scheme which came into force on 9th April 2006. Its formal charitable objects are:

(a) to relieve persons who are sick, convalescent, disabled, handicapped or infirm and in particular, but not exclusively, such persons who are suffering mental illness in any of its forms;


(b) to promote or assist in the promotion of research into the alleviation or cure of mental illness in any of its forms.

In practice, the Trust mainly provides grants to charitable organisations in the North West of England which are working directly with mental illness and mental disability issues and projects.

The Charity was originally formed in the 19th Century to own and run Cheadle Royal Hospital, a specialist mental health and psychiatric hospital in South Manchester. Following the sale of the hospital nearly 30 years ago, the Charity was reorganised with the proceeds of sale and development of retained land forming the Charity’s endowment fund. This fund generates an income from which grants are made.

The Charity may not make grants out of its capital.

The Trustees plan to distribute each year income equal to c3% of the Charity’s funds less expenses, with the aim of preserving the real value, after inflation, of the endowment fund. As investment returns will fluctuate, the Trustees maintain some reserves as a buffer allowing the long-term distribution policy to be maintained.

Under the Trust’s governing document, the Charity can have 6 Trustees one of whom is designated a Nominated Trustee appointed by the President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.


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The CRH Charitable Trust Unpaid role, expenses paid Knutsford, Cheshire East (Hybrid)
Closing 08 November 2024