About us
Who we are
Who we are:
The Conversation is an independent source of news analysis and informed comment written by academic experts, working with professional journalists who help share their knowledge with the world.
Access to expertise through high quality, independent journalism is key to a well-functioning democracy. The Conversation aims to provide the expert insight needed to better understand current affairs and the complex issues we face. Our team of editors work with experts drawn from universities and research institutes across the world, sharing their knowledge in a way that is accessible to non-specialists. Bringing expert insights to current affairs, explaining new research findings, or shining a light on topics that deserve greater discussion, we strive to improve the quality of public debate and ultimately to help everyone make better, more well-informed decisions.
The Conversation aims to help rebuild trust in journalism. All authors and editors sign up to our Editorial Charter. Contributors must abide by our community standards policy. Authors are only commissioned to write on subjects within their fields of expertise, and must disclose funding and potential conflicts of interest alongside their articles. On The Conversation you can find trustworthy, fact-filled articles on topics from science, health, climate change and the environment, politics and society research, economics and business in theory and practice, history, arts and culture.
We believe in open access and the free-flow of information. The Conversation is free to read (we’ll never go behind a paywall), and our content is free to share or republish under a Creative Commons CC-BY-ND licence – just follow our simple republishing guidelines. Our articles are syndicated by PA Media and Reuters news agencies to other media, and are republished by thousands of other outlets worldwide.
The Conversation is an indispensable resource for the media: a source of free content, ideas and a pool of expert writers with whom journalists can follow-up for print, web, radio or television.
Our charter:
We will
- Inform public debate with knowledge-based journalism that is responsible, ethical and supported by evidence.
- Unlock the knowledge of researchers and academics to provide the public with clarity and insight into society’s biggest problems.
- Create an open site for people around the world to share best practices and collaborate on developing smart, sustainable solutions.
- Provide a fact-based and editorially independent forum, free of commercial or political bias.
- Support and foster academic freedom to conduct research, teach, write and publish.
- Ensure the site’s integrity by only obtaining non-partisan sponsorship from education, government and private partners. Any advertising will be relevant and non-obtrusive.
- Protect editorial freedom in all commercial agreements.
- Ensure quality, diverse and intelligible content reaches the widest possible audience by employing experienced editors to curate the site.
- Set the standard in journalism best practice. Be open, transparent and accountable. Where errors occur correct them expeditiously.
- Work with our academic, business and government partners and our advisory board to ensure we are operating for the public good.