The Collaborate I CIC

Organisation type Non Charity Employer
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About us

Who we are

Collaborate CIC is at the forefront of pioneering collaborative approaches to social change and public services. As an innovative social consultancy and think tank, we are building the thinking, culture and practice of collaboration to help us meet the challenges of today, together. We work towards a vision of a collaborative society — one that is equitable, caring and sustainable.

To achieve this vision, we act as change partners to public and voluntary sector organisations. We help people to collaborate across sectors, reform public services, put citizens and service users at the centre of their work, develop collaborative and system leadership skills, engage with civil society, and learn together to support change.

We work with a wide range of organisations and sectors. Current and recent clients include Wigan Council, London Councils, Essex County Council, SOLACE, City Bridge Foundation, NHS England, MOPAC, Sport England, Save the Children and the Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Partnership. We deliver work alone and in partnership with others. As a social purpose organisation, we also share the learning from our work, create tools and resources to support collaboration, connect change makers and host events.

Ultimately, we believe that people and organisations can create a better future together than they can alone, and we bring this conviction, blended with cutting-edge thinking and practice, to all our work.


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The Collaborate I CIC £25,000 per year (pro rata) London, Greater London (Hybrid)
Closing 10 February 2025

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