About us
Who we are
Your voice matters. Confidential, voluntary reporting provides a vital safety net for collecting reports that would otherwise have gone unwritten. Each report we receive has the power to improve safety standards and practices, whether it is from the findings of one report or when combined with others to identify wider trends and safety issues. Our team of experienced professionals reviews every report we receive and we publish our anonymised findings to raise awareness of safety concerns and to encourage stakeholders to take action where necessary.
Our culture and values
CHIRP believes a just culture is central to encouraging safer environments. A just culture facilitates appropriate safety improvement by valuing people and their reporting of safety-related concerns. This allows everyone to learn essential lessons from those concerns, and ensure that people feel listened to, treated fairly and taken seriously. A just culture operates within a structured organisational framework where unacceptable behaviour will be fairly addressed. In a just culture, behavioural principles are agreed upon and are transparent, at every level of an organisation with clear lines of acceptable and unacceptable behaviour, with appropriate and proportionate positive action taken where necessary.