About us
Who we are
Our school provides education for up to 60 children who have various complex needs which include SEMH, ASD, ADHD, early childhood trauma and learning disabilities. We are a 'Thrive' school and provide the services of an Occupational Therapist and Speech and Language Therapist. We pride ourselves that when children leave us in Year 11, they leave with qualifications including GCSE’s and go onto college placements with the help of our career’s advisors.
We have children on roll from local authorities around the Northeast, and we are proud to communicate our vision to them and our passion for the outcomes we want for the children in our school. Children are placed in one of our four zones within the school depending on stage not age which enables them to progress at their own pace. Referrals can come directly from local authorities; however, we are seeing more parental, word of mouth and previous school referrals recently.
As a charitable organisation, we do not have any shareholders, so all surpluses are reinvested into Talbot House. This has allowed us to make some substantial changes over the last 10 years. There has been lots of developments to the building and grounds which include new playgrounds, sports facilities, and an outdoor gym along with redevelopment of the building, a new science classroom, a new heating system and roof. We have also have developed a nature garden which includes an allotment, giant reading chair, mud kitchen, sensory paths and an outside classroom.
Our culture and values
The Charity’s core values are:
People – passionate people are at the heart of Talbot House.
Place – providing a safe, nurturing environment where we are all equally valued and encouraged.
Pride – we take pride in celebrating our achievements and inspire self-belief.