St. Aidan's Junior Common Room Charitable Incorporated Organisation

Organisation type Registered Charity Company size 1 - 5

About us

Who we are

St Aidan’s Junior Common Room Charitable Incorporated Organisation


The St. Aidan's Junior Common Room Charitable Incorporated Organisation (“St. Aidan's JCR CIO”)  is a charity established to support and assist students at St Aidan's College at the University of Durham. The object (purpose) of the Charity is the advancement of education of Students at St Aidan’s College  for the public benefit by:


(a) promoting the interests and welfare of Students at St Aidan’s College  during the course of study and representing, supporting and advising Students;

(b) being the recognised representative channel between Students and St Aidan’s College and any other external bodies; and

(c) providing social, sporting, cultural and recreational activities and forums for discussions and debate for the personal development of its Students. 


The Charity is controlled by a Board of Trustees who make all major decisions about the Charity's operation. The Trustees are also the Members of the Charity.


This new Charity (approved by the Charity Commission in 2020) took over the running of the JCR in August 2022 and now operates independently of the University. However, the Charity continues to have a relationship with the University through the College because the University has certain responsibilities in respect of students unions within its ambit and the new Charity is designated as a student’s union under the Education Act 1994. The new Charity has taken over existing functions and became a new legal entity in 2022  but the current board have been in operation since 2020 to put operational arrangements in place before the transfer of operations took place. The JCR budget transferred to the CIO as did the employment of the JCR President in 2022.



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