Somerset Wildlife Trust

Organisation type Registered Charity Company size 21 - 50
Website address Facebook link

About us

Who we are

SWT's vision is an environment rich in wildlife for everyone.

Our mission is to build a landscape rich in wildlife where people live happier, healthier lives.

You can find out how we plan to achieve our vision and mission by downloading our 2015-2020 strategy.

The charity’s objects are :

  • For the benefit of the public, to advance, promote and further the conservation, maintenance, protection and enjoyment of wildlife and its habitats, including places of botanical, geographical, zoological, archaeological or scientific interest and places of natural beauty;
  • To advance the education of the public in the principles of biodiversity conservation and of sustainable development;
  • To promote research in all branches of ecology and geology.



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Somerset Wildlife Trust £23,810 per annum FTE TA1, Taunton (Hybrid)
Closing 23 February 2025

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