About us
Who we are
Queen Elizabeth's is a state-funded grammar school, with 449 years' experience of producing confident, able and responsible young men. We provide a totally meritocratic environment, in which our boys reach their very considerable potential both in their academic and extra-curricular pursuits.
Boys at Queen Elizabeth’s School today benefit from superb facilities and educational opportunities. That they are able to enjoy such an inspirational learning environment is due in very large part to the generosity of past parents, friends and OEs.
Since the mid-1990s the fabric of the School has been transformed by regular support from the Elizabethan community, via the Friends of Queen Elizabeth’s (FQE). A registered charity that has been in existence for many years, FQE has a twofold mission: to raise funds to improve and expand educational facilities and opportunities at the School, and to assist new parents and boys integrate into the QE community.
Our ambition is to provide a learning environment that enables pupils to fully realise their academic and extra-curricular potential and our facilities now rival many of the top independent schools, where annual fees in excess of £20,000 are the norm.
The School has a continually evolving estates strategy which considers how our campus might be progressively and coherently developed to improve facilities still further. Our most recent project has been the redevelopment of the Mayes Building to create new facilities for Music, including rehearsal space and a recital hall, whilst retaining an atrium for boys to enjoy at break times. This will enable further expansion of the opportunities in Music and the arts, as well as providing an extra assembly space for our burgeoning lecture programme.