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The global voice for wild plants and fungi

Organisation type Registered Charity Company size 51 - 100
Website address Linkedin link Facebook link X (Twitter) link

About us

Who we are

Wild plants and fungi underpin all life on earth. They enrich our natural landscapes, support food chains, are a powerful force against the climate crisis and their beauty and colours can calm our minds. Plantlife is the global charity working to enhance, protect, restore and celebrate the wild plants and fungi that are essential to all life on earth. With two in five plant species at risk of extinction, biodiversity loss is now the fastest it’s ever been – which means our work has never been more vital.


We champion and accelerate conservation action, working at the heart of a global network of individuals and organisations, to influence and inspire landowners and land managers, public and private bodies, governments and local communities. As time begins to run out, we are using our position as the global voice for wild plants and fungi to bring lasting and positive change to our natural world – for everyone’s sake.


Through our work, we connect people with nature so that everyone in society can enjoy and help protect the natural world around us. Our aim is to raise awareness of how important wild plants and fungi are to life and to inspire more people to take action to help them thrive again. Plantlife is funded by donations from its 20,000 members, its supporters, grants and charitable trusts and through its pioneering land management advice and projects.


Join us as we face the greatest challenge of our times. We need wild plants and fungi to survive. Now, they need us too.

Our culture and values

Our aim is to protect and restore a wide variety of wild plants and fungi in our countryside, towns and cities.
We work across grasslands, mountains, woodlands, coasts, heathlands, farmland and peatlands. Our goal is to make sure the country’s common plant species do not become at risk.


We work to protect and restore important habitats, such as hay meadows, grassland, limestone pavement and blanket bog. We also lead conservation projects so that plants and fungi everywhere can thrive.


Connect people with nature


We want to connect people with nature so that they are inspired to help save different species and their habitats.


By helping develop sparks of fascination, we believe we can help people achieve their goals for the natural world while also boosting their wellbeing. At the same time, we empower communities to care for and protect the rich and varied environment around them.


Work in partnerships


Working in partnership gives everyone the chance to take action for the environment. We believe that the climate and nature crisis we face is so complex and urgent that solutions can only be found by working together.


Collaborate and influence


We collaborate with others and use our influence around the world to protect plants and fungi.


Alongside our partners, we push for environmental strategies which will restore native plant species and habitats. Together, we also campaign to end activities which threaten and destroy them.


This will help us make sure that future generations can enjoy a healthy, plant-rich world.


Our aim is to inspire more and more people to work with us and make a difference. This will help us safeguard everything from stretches of golden sand to areas of ancient woodland for people and wildlife.

Equality, diversity and inclusion policy

Plantlife is the global conservation membership charity working to secure a world rich in wild plants and fungi. This is only achievable through working inclusively with the public, partners, land managers and local communities.


By working inclusively, we will provide equality of opportunity to connect with nature, reducing barriers to access and participation. Plantlife will be a platform for a diversity of voices, role models and actions that deliver for both plant conservation and the public.


We offer the following benefits for paid jobs.

Life insurance

Life insurance

Flexible working hours

Flexible working hours

Remote/hybrid work

Remote/hybrid work


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