About us
Who we are
Palmers Green United Reformed Church - who are we?
Our congregation is made up of all sorts of people from the local community. We meet to worship God, to share fellowship, and to try to live out God’s mission in the world. We try to get involved in what’s happening in our own area, and we also support international charities such as Christian Aid.
We have a team of elected Elders, who serve the church through decision-making, planning, organising, serving Communion, and in lots of other ways.
Our Mission Statement
We are a group of different people looking for and finding, strength and meaning in God’s love.
You will always be welcomed gladly.
We worship and pray together.
We learn about God’s love and forgiveness through Jesus, the Bible and with the help of each other.
Together we will work to make Jesus present by loving actions done, and by loving words spoken,
in this church and beyond these doors.