About us
Who we are
One25 is a Bristol-based charity supporting women who are street sex-working or at risk of street sex work. We support women to move from crisis and trauma towards independence in the community. We meet each woman where she is, working at her pace, without time boundaries or targets. Our vision is of a world where all women are safe, feel loved and can thrive.
We have three core services: night outreach, our Health Hub, and casework. We give person-centred support and advocacy to around 210 women each year.
Our service users are women over 18-years-old who face multiple disadvantage, including: domestic and/or sexual violence, addiction, chronic mental ill-health, physical ill-health, homelessness, and poverty.
We are the only organisation in Bristol and the surrounding counties specifically for women in street sex work.
Our culture and values
Our vision
A world where all women are safe, feel loved and thrive.
Our mission
To meet women who street sex work where they are, supporting them to move from crisis and trauma towards independence in the community.
Our values:
- Compassion – we care
- Justice – we fight for change
- Learning – we grow together
Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
One25 is committed to its journey to becoming an anti-racist and anti-discriminatory organisation. Our vision is a world where all women are safe, feel loved and can thrive. Our organisational values, which support this work, are person-centred, justice, unconditional love, non-judgemental, compassionate, truthful and a willingness to see things through. One25 are a trans inclusive organisation. Where we use the term woman/women, this is inclusive of cis women and trans women.
We believe that by challenging systemic inequality, we will help to create a more just society. We are a learning organisation, informed by the experiences and needs of women with lived experience of multiple disadvantages. We understand the impact of intersectionality and how this increases the disadvantages faced by both the marginalised women we exist to support, and others connected to One25.
We are wholly committed to educating ourselves and others on all equality issues and we recognise that, as an organisation delivering services and as an employer, we need to continually listen, learn, and challenge ourselves to improve