Number Champions

We support primary school children in numeracy to help them achieve their educational and life potential.

Organisation type Registered Charity Company size 1 - 5
Website address

About us

Who we are

About Number Champions

We set up Number Champions in 2018 to transform the lives of children in state primary schools who struggle with numeracy.

We now have three part-time staff, led by our Head of Operations (HoO), who works directly with our Chair managing all aspects of the charity. However, most of the activities of the charity are delivered by volunteers.

Our In-School Volunteers (ISVs) spend a school year with each child in weekly one-to-one sessions. The volunteer uses maths games and other creative activities to engage the child and to help them build confidence and skills and so overcome the ‘maths barrier’. Helping the children at this early stage puts them back on track to achieve their full life potential, in a world where some fluency with maths and numbers is such an essential building block.

Former (and current) teachers volunteering with us as ‘Mentors’ train and support these ISVs. 


Now in our seventh year, we are working across thirteen London boroughs in over 30 partner schools, with 110 ISVs supporting 330 children.  We plan to grow these numbers year by year.

Everyone at Number Champions is passionate about helping to improve children’s educational and life chances.

Equality, diversity and inclusion policy

We support the diverse population of London's children, and we seek to reflect this in our staff and volunteers.  We have had volunteers born in 50 different countries, and look forward to growing this to 100!

We will do our best to accommodate volunteers or staff who have disabilites or access needs.




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Number Champions Unpaid role, expenses paid London, Greater London,Enfield, Greater London,Greater London,London, Greater London (On-site)
Closing 13 March 2025