About us
Who we are
Norfolk Youth Offending Team (NYOT) is a multi-agency partnership team whose aim is to prevent children and young people from offending and to help them restore the damage caused to their victims. We aspire to make Norfolk an even safer place to live and help young people achieve their full potential in life.
We supervise and support young people aged 10 to 17 years who have committed offences and have received a Youth Caution, Youth Conditional Caution or an order from the Court.
We also offer prevention work with young people aged 8 to 16 years who have not yet offended, but who are at risk of offending or becoming involved in anti-social behaviour.
Our aim is to prevent children and young people from being involved in crime or anti-social behaviour. We help to support them to address their behaviour and to realise their ambitions, aspirations, and full potential.
We are committed to the main aim of the Youth Justice System, which is to prevent offending by children and young people. Norfolk YOT aims primarily to achieve this through our early help service and by working with early help Norfolk family focus as part of a wider approach to crime and anti-social behaviour prevention. Our early help service provides a swift response to addressing youth crime and anti-social behaviour, and will ensure that young people and their families have access to appropriate mainstream services at the earliest opportunity.
NYOT completes an assessment with every child or young person, using a nationally validated tool which helps to identify the parts of the child or young person life that contribute to their offending. It also highlights any areas of risks or vulnerability that the child or young person may present or be at risk from.
The assessment enables us to identify a plan to prevent further offending and suitable interventions that children and young people can understand and relate to which are both interesting and motivational. In the majority of plans there will be an element of restorative justice that the child or young person will complete. This includes direct or indirect work with or for the victim(s) of their offence(s).
NYOT work closely with parents and carers to help them support their children to complete their order successfully
Young people and children will be expected to attend NYOT for the length of their court order, to complete their intervention plan, in order to achieving a positive outcome.