About us
Who we are
About Mosaic Middle East
Mosaic Middle East is the working name of the Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East. It is a non-profit organisation registered as a charity in the United Kingdom (Registration number 1133576).
Operational locations: We currently work in Iraq including the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) and Jordan but have ambitions to work in other parts of the region in the near future.
PURPOSE: Our purpose is to reflect God’s love for the most vulnerable people in the Middle East, bringing hope from despair and beauty from brokenness.
VISION: Our vision is of a Middle East where Christians and other minorities enjoy fulfilled lives within sustainable and safe communities, sharing with those around them in acts of loving kindness.
MISSION: Our mission is to bring hope, help and healing in the Middle East.
Our focus is on vulnerable and persecuted minorities.
Our motivation is Christian compassion.
Our objective is to strengthen and empower those in need.
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