About us
Who we are
Our vision is a world where the mental health of LGBTQ communities is a priority, free from stigma, respected and recognised.
Our mission is to deliver outstanding services for all LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer people) to improve mental health and wellbeing, challenge stigma and make mental health a community concern.
MindOut is needed because LGBTQ people:
- do not get the support they need for their mental health from mainstream services
- experience disproportionately higher levels of mental health challenges; isolation, depression, anxiety and suicide ideation
- face additional discrimination, exclusion and judgemetns which can prevent them accessing support.
- deserve a space and services which are inclusive, free of judgements, and their LGBTQ identities are recognised and understood
MindOut delivers LGBTQ affirmative support; services delivered for and by LGBTQ people with respect and acceptance of LGBTQ identities, understanding of intersectionality and inclusion and experience of LGBTQ mental health challenges. Our provision includes:
Wellbeing Services
- Involving LGBTQ volunteers to support delivery of peer led activites including open and closed support groups, befriending, and community events to reduce isolation, prevent suicide, improve resilience, mental health and wellbeing
Advocacy Service
- Enabling LGBTQ people to get their voice heard, protect their rights and empowering them to self advocate
Online Service
- Instant online support to individuals experiencing a range of issues; isolation, suicidal distress, anxiety and mental health crisis
Counselling Service
- Assess need, match Counsellors and deliver free/low cost professional counselling within the BAC (British Association of Counselling) framework
Training Service
- Delivering standard and wide range of bespoke training on LGBTQ mental health and wellbeing
- Supporting workplaces to be inclusive and aware of LGBTQ mental health and wellbeing
- Contributing to national policy, consultations and campaigns to challenge, break down stigma and improve LGBTQ mental health provision
We welcome all LGBTQ people and those who may not identify as LGBTQ including intersex people, past identities and people who are questioning their sexual and/or gender identities.
Our culture and values
We are passionate about LGBTQ matters in relation to:
- Community and individual empowerment
- Mental wellbeing and services that recognise and meet our needs
- Service user / Client involvement in shaping and supporting delivery of our services
- Staff wellbeing, performance and development
- Diversity and Inclusion, ensuring this is integral to everything we do
- EDI Policy understanding and respecting differences, challenging discrimination, taking responsibility for bias and privilege and being open to learning
- Transparency explaining what we provide, how, and being honest about limitations
- Quality, excellence and innovation to always keep improving to deliver outstanding services
- Collaboration with partners and other organisartions to best meet the needs of all our service users