About us
Who we are
Migrant Democracy Project (MDP) envisions a society where all migrants at home in the UK hold collective, political power to shape a society rooted in justice, freedom, and solidarity. A society where migrants’ interests and needs are heard, included and represented in all levels of UK politics.
Our culture and values
Lived experience
Our migrant experience and struggles guide our work. Migrant Democracy Project was set up by first-generation migrants to work in the interests of first-generation migrants.
Anti-racism is at the heart of our work and partnerships. We know people are racialised in a system of white supremacy, disproportionately impacting black and brown migrants as well as British-born people of colour.
We work for and with migrants and oppressed communities fighting for social justice, acknowledging our collective power. We stand as allies, share resources, and make collective demands to shape a more just society.
Our experience of migration intersects with multiple systems of inequality and forms of discrimination. Migrant Democracy Project understands and challenges forms of discrimination to prevent the reinforcement of inequalities.
Empowering Migrants
We build migrant power through information, training, and organising collective action on shared goals.
Build Power
We are campaigning for long-term, structural change through power-building wins. We work with people at different stages of their political journey to achieve shared goals.
Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
Our Diversity, Inclusion and Equal Opportunities Policy can be consulted here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Pk7q7W-toZB364763pv62BrhcofKhQFu/view?usp=sharing