About us
Who we are
We provide open access, inclusive youth services co-run with young people: a provision that helps young people from all backgrounds to be better connected and better equipped with the skills and confidence to form and engage with supportive networks of friends and family, health and social services, businesses and organisations.
We work with young people aged 10-19, and run activitities during the term time and also holidays, and are one of the only provisions that is open 50 weeks a year.
Our culture and values
We believe that being better connected improves the prospects of young people, brings greater opportunities and sets up young people for lifelong fulfilment
We are an open- access youth club, which means that any young person can be a member. No referrals are needed. It also means that our activities are either completely free (or have a minimal charge, though this is never used a barrier to accessing the activities that we run)