About us
Who we are
We are a community owned, charitable co-operative Social Farming Community situated on a certified biodynamic farm on the Blackwater Estuary, near Maldon in Essex. Launched in 2017 and building on thirteen years of development, we provide a wide range of educational opportunities through meaningful work experiences to many people, especially those with a learning disability and/or autism (LDA). We also undertake extensive conservation work through on the farm’s 210 acres which includes rare breed cattle and sheep, laying hens, vegetable growing, woolly crafts and a community kitchen processing produce and providing daily lunches. Produce is sold locally at markets, weekly deliveries and directly from the farm. We also have a volunteering program, give talks to local interest groups and work closely with Essex County Council, local SEND schools and colleges and The Country Trust. It is a beautiful, tranquil setting and we are inspired by the work of Rudolf Steiner and anthroposophy.
Our culture and values
We believe in the freedom of an individual human being and we consciously work to create a community that allows this freedom to be expressed through meaningful work in the day to day running of a 210 acre biodynamic certified farm. We operate a person centred approach to staff, volunteers, students, coworkers with a learning disability, supported volunteers and co-operative members. We aim to find the work activity that ingites a passion n the indiviual and then support their devvelopment in this role.
We are completely committed to chemical free agiculture and horticulture and understand that food production needs to co-exist within healthy, natural ecosystems. The biodynamic farming method provides unrivalled insights into the connnections between the natural world, the cosmos and food production and we have been certied by Demeter for over fifteen years. The farm is home to some of the most endangered birds and insects and we provide extensive 'ecosystem services' to our locality as a counteraction to the industrial agricultural practices dominant in our locality. We understand the true role of animals in the farm and operate the highest welfare standards we can.
We are passionate about community ownership and taking land and buildings out of proivate ownership.
Our staff team of eleven people includes five people who have a learning disabiliy. We aim to offer meaningful work experience to people with a learning disability and/or autism including classes from local SEND schools, through an adult day placement program, Supported Internship qualification and supported volunteering. We also offer educational activities for primary schools and local inmterst groups,
Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
As mentioned above, we have a workforce that is made up with many people who have a leearning disability and/or autism. We actively aim to support this group of people into employment and volunteering on the farm. The extends to being open to the LGBT+ community, supporting more women into agricultrure and not discriminating against people by virtue of their race, religion or natioanality.