About us
Who we are
Healthwatch Birmingham and Healthwatch Solihull are your independent champion for health and social care services.
We exist to ensure people are at the heart of care. We provide patients and the public with ways to feedback and have a stronger say about the services they use. We listen to what people like about services, and what could be improved. This could be about general practices, hospitals, dentists, opticians, pharmacists, nursing and residential homes or care you receive in the community.
Making peoples views known
We have the power to ensure that those organisations that design, run or regulate NHS and social care listen to people’s views and act on them. People’s experiences prompt and lead our activities and investigations, with our reports focusing on improving services. We also encourage services to involve patients and the public in decisions that affect them.
Through our Information and Signposting Line, Healthwatch Birmingham also helps people find out the information they need about services in their area.
People sharing their experiences can make a big difference. Our aim is to help make health and care services better for patients, their families and their community.