About us
Who we are
Growing Hope who champion accessiblity and provide free therapy for children and young people with additional needs in partnership with local churches across the UK. Growing Hope aims to grow:
-Hope for children through the provision of free therapy clinics for 0-18 year olds with a range of additional needs including physical, learning, mental health and undiagnosed needs. Therapy provision could include occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech and language therapy, music therapy, children's counselling and other therapies to support children and their families.
-Hope for families through the provision of groups and support for parents, carers and siblings to have the opportunity to connect, share and reflect on their experiences. We have written courses and groups with counsellors specific to processing our experiences. When Dreams Change is a course about thinking through how our hopes and dreams change when we have a child who has additional needs. Our siblings group uses puppets and creative means to enable children to express themselves. We also run Circle of Security, a research-based parenting course, which enables parents to develop secure attachments with their children.
-Hope in Jesus through the opportunity to receive prayer at the end of sessions and support to access church if this is something that families would like to do. We believe that Jesus brings hope in the world and loves and values each and every individual and this is something that we want to share. Growing Hope is open to all individuals regardless of their background and anyone is welcome to accept or refuse prayer and the opportunity to attend church.
Growing Hope was founded in 2017 and currently has four local clinics: Growing Hope King's Cross, Growing Hope Brockley, Growing Hope High Wycombe and Growing Hope Gateshead. Growing Hope has a vision to set up 20 local clinics across the UK by 2030. Growing Hope exists to bridge the gap where NHS services are currently stretched and cannot provide all the intervention and support that families of children with additional needs experience.
Our culture and values
Hope - We believe Jesus brings hope to children, young people and families, even in the most difficult situations, and that underpins everything we do.
Community - We are accepting of all and want everyone to know they are seen, heard and belong.
Courage - We are brave, choosing honesty over comfort, and tackling problems because we want to change lives.
Innovation - We are innovative, flexible and creative in our approach, always aiming for excellence.
Generosity - We look out for others and share our time, encouragement, finances and skills.
Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
Growing Hope places strong value on inclusion and wants to see all people, regardless of their disability, gender, race or religion know the value that they have and their place in community. We want to see every individual that we come in contact with – staff member, volunteer and family – in the way that we believe God sees them. As a Christian charity we believe Jesus brings hope in everyone’s lives and loves and values every individual. As Growing Hope we therefore want to practice our values in the way that we practice equality, diversity and inclusion as an organisation.
Our Equality and Diversity policy can be found at https://growinghope.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Equality-and-diversity-policy-updated-Dec-23.pdf