About us
Who we are
Founded in 2016, the Greater Manchester Women’s Support Alliance (GMWSA) brings together nine women’s centres, offering support services for all women across the ten boroughs of Greater Manchester.
As an Alliance, we’re committed to funding and providing high-quality services to support, safeguard and empower all women, helping them take control of their lives.
United by our common values, we work together to share knowledge and experiences while representing the interests of the women we support – making sure that our collective voice is heard by policy makers and service commissioners. In doing so, we’re fostering an approach to helping women that emphasises prevention over intervention.
Our culture and values
Our Values. In delivering our services, we will work according to;
· A strong sense of justice
· A belief in our service users’ ability to change and develop, have a voice in and contribute towards our service delivery
· A belief in a common purpose and a strong partnership approach, both with GMWSA members and partners
· Transparency and accountability
· The promotion of Equality and Diversity
· An evidence-led approach to service delivery, and trauma-responsive services.
Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
GMWSA provides resources for all women in GM and is open to all women equally. GMWSA is committed to the ethos of equal opportunities in all aspects of its work including the employment of staff, the recruitment of volunteers and Trustees, students on placement and service delivery.
The Equality and Diversity policy is our commitment statement that sets out what we aim to instil to create a workforce and a service delivery offer that is diverse, inclusive, promotes positivity and celebrates and protects our differences. It is how we will create a safe and inclusive atmosphere/ethos for our staff, volunteers, Trustees and users of services. It is also our requirement under the Equalities Act 2010 to adhere to all associated legislation.
It is a continuing aim of GMWSA to develop policies which will promote equal opportunities in all areas of its work. We will not tolerate discrimination or harassment of anyone involved with the Alliance.
In accordance with the Equality Act 2010, it is unlawful to discriminate directly or indirectly in recruitment or employment because of any of the nine ‘protected characteristics’. These protected characteristics are as follows:
Gender Reassignment
Marriage/ Civil Partnership
Pregnancy and Maternity
Religion or belief
Sexual Orientation
Other examples of our commitment not to discriminate relate to:
HIV or AIDS status
Socio-economic status
Home responsibility
Political belief
National origin
We also acknowledge the racial disparity within the CJS for women who experience racism, including women from Gypsy/ Roma/ Traveller backgrounds, who are overrepresented within the CJS. We aim to assess and monitor how we respond to their needs, and will especially consider the notion of intersectionality (women who are impacted by more than one protected characteristic).
The only exception to this policy is on an individual’s sex, which complies with the genuine occupational qualification, is lawful and is in line with the ethos of GMWSA. (Sex Discrimination Act (1975) Section 7 (2) (e)
Recruitment Practice
Commitment to this policy means that we will monitor the ethnicity of all applicants for jobs at GMWSA and all users of GMWSA services. GMWSA will offer training to its staff, volunteers and students on placement at regular intervals on anti–discriminatory practice and will encourage feedback from service users through its evaluation processes and Complaints Procedure.
GMWSA will make reasonable workplace adjustments for any members of staff who have a disability and will work towards making the building fully compliant with the Disability Discrimination Act.
Our recruitment process recognises that apart from job related qualifications and experience, other knowledge and experience may be equally valid in the appointment of a worker and are particularly valid in the case of women from groups who experience discrimination. Our job application form provides guidance notes to provide all applicants with help in demonstrating their relevant skills for the post advertised. All job vacancies must be advertised and processed through the standard GMWSA Job Application form. The relevant service manager in conjunction with their line manager, will determine whether each job will be advertised internally in the first instance or both internally and externally. All advertised jobs will have a relevant and updated job description and person specification. Closing dates for application will be specified and a selection panel will shortlist suitable applicants who meet the essential criteria of the person specification. The selection panel will consist of at least two people with relevant expertise and experience. Job applications will be kept on file for one year following the appointment of a successful candidate.
Responsibilities of Staff, Volunteers and Students on Placement
All staff, volunteers and students on placement have a responsibility to ensure that this policy is implemented. If any staff member, volunteer or student on placement witnesses what they consider to be an instance of discrimination or harassment or victimisation, from any person, including service users, toward members of staff, volunteers or students on placement based upon:
one of our protected characteristics; or
by association with a person with a protected characteristic: or
As a result of a perception that someone may have a protected characteristic, even if they do not
This should be brought to the attention of a senior member of staff or Trustee, so that the matter is dealt with as previously described.
In accordance with the Equality Act 2010, victimisation occurs when an employee is subjected to detriment, such as being denied a training opportunity or a promotion because they make or support a complaint or raise a grievance under the Equality Act 2010, or because they are suspected of doing so, or be about to do so.
Trans Inclusive Statement
Within GMWSA’s overall commitment to providing equal opportunities in employment and service provision, the organisation is committed to ensuring that transgender people are treated with respect and do not experience discrimination and/or harassment on the basis of their gender identity.
GMWSA will not discriminate against transgender people, and will challenge all direct and indirect discrimination against transgender people in its organisation, employment practices and provision of services.
As such GMWSA is committed to
Providing regular training at all levels (staff and volunteers) on how to support transgender service users
Maintaining confidentiality in relation to the disclosure of staff/service users gender identity/gender history without explicit permission (within the parameters of relevant confidentiality and safeguarding policies)
Alliance will use respectful language and terminology about transgender service users’ identity
Recognising the discrimination faced by transwomen and providing them with the appropriate support.