About us
Who we are
Empowering students to maximise the impact of their careers for Jesus
Jesus has given us a mission: making disciples. All of our careers should contribute to achieving this mission. The most significant questions we now face are WHAT careers to choose and HOW we should choose to pursue them. We believe the key to the WHAT is prayerfully and strategically selecting a career which leverages our unique abilities for the largest Kingdom impact. And we believe that the key to the HOW is remaining in obedience to Christ and in this acting as effectively as we can to best further His Kingdom.
Finally, we believe that radical generosity is crucial to both of these. Radical generosity is key to our careers being effective; it's also key to us being effective disciples ourselves.
About Us:
Founded by Cambridge students two years ago, our vision is for a generation of graduates to dedicate their careers to making the biggest possible impact for God's Kingdom. We are growing and currently We run 2-3 events per term through small student committees in Cambridge, Oxford, Durham and LSE. We also promote our message alongside local churches, through social media and we're creating a mentoring scheme. Find out more on our website - fruitfulwork.org
Our culture and values
We're passionate about relationship with Jesus, prayer and the Word.
Other key values are radical generosity, Kingdom impact and effectiveness.