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Concordis International

Concordis works alongside those involved in or affected by armed conflict, helping them find workable solutions.

Organisation type Registered Charity Company size 1 - 5
Website address Linkedin link Facebook link X (Twitter) link

About us

Who we are

Concordis International is a UK registered peacebuilding charity with programmes in Central African Republic, Mauritania, Sudan and South Sudan, plus some new work in the pipeline. 


We work alongside those involved in or affected by armed conflict, helping them find workable solutions that address the root causes of conflict and contribute to lasting peace and economic development.  We’re committed to finding solutions that benefit women as well as men, those in armed groups as well as those who chose not to take up arms, national governments as well as civil society.


Conflict is always complex and exists at multiple levels with numerous parties and a range of different drivers.  Concordis has particular expertise in conflict management and security issues across fluid borders, particularly involving cross-border seasonal migration and trade.  Independent evaluation of these dialogues found that the work was “unprecedented” and achieved “highly successful results” in mitigating conflict arising out of cross-border migration.

Our culture and values

To build trusting relationships with people involved in or affected by armed conflict.


To facilitate challenging conversations between people from opposing factions.


To enable people to find workable solutions that address the root causes of conflict and contribute to lasting peace and economic development to mutual benefit.


To include women as well as men, those in armed groups as well as those who chose not to take up arms, national governments as well as civil society.


To leave a legacy of sustainable mechanisms that enable future conflict to be managed peacefully.




We recognise that we do not have all the answers, that there are different ways of dealing with and resolving conflict, and that our contribution should be part of a broad engagement by a number of people and organisations.




We act in a consciously non-partisan manner, always.




We promote active participation in our dialogues from people representing as many strands of opinion or interest as are appropriate. We work creatively to give voice to people and groups who might otherwise be marginalised by reason of gender, age or ethnicity.


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Concordis International Unpaid role, expenses not paid Remote
Closing 16 February 2025