Community Connexions

Community Connexions is a local charity providing essential pre-booked transport for vulnerable people of all ages across Gloucestershire.

Organisation type Registered Charity Company size 21 - 50
Website address

About us

Who we are

Community Connexions is a group of paid qualified drivers and trained volunteers dedicated to providing transport to help enable independence, inclusion and participation. As a registered charity with over 30 years’ experience, we offer community transport at its best. Our transport services are reliable, punctual, safe and fully accessible.

Our paid drivers run 'bus' routes that collect people unable to use standard buses due to disability or from remote areas no longer served by standard routes. Both our volunteer drivers & their paid colleagues run our community transport routes, collecting passengers from their homes/care homes taking them to amongst many destinations:- hospitals, surgeries, social clubs, dementia clubs, therapy groups or places of interest.

Our drivers are more than just transport:- they provide assistance from front door to car, they provide an eyes on service to check on our vulnerable neighbours, they communicate with people who may not have seen anyone in days & they are ears who will listen to those who want to talk.

Our service gives a degree of independence, improves quality of life and leads to social interaction, all of which significantly promote wellbeing in the most vulnerable people in our community.



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